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We started our day with learning who our critical friend is!  Ask me at home who my critical friend is!  Then we shared our heart with our critical friend.  Next, we did sound boxes.  Miss C. would tell us a letter or a sound and we would have to write it in the box and then we would sound out the word.  Ask me what we say for the letter A and the letter I.  After that we read a story about an old lady who swallowed a fly, a horse, a cow, a bird, a cat, a dog, a spider, and a goat.  Then we drew all of these things because tomorrow we will make an old lady who swallows them all.  Right before lunch we had computer.  Lunch was delicious!  After that we played YAHTZEE with our critical friend..  Then we had music.  After music we did the Daily 5! We hit 4 minutes today.  We keep getting better and better.  Finally, we ended our day with a practice spelling test!  I can't wait to see you all tomorrow!
Posted by Guest  On Sep 05, 2013 at 3:03 PM 2 Comments
Today was yet another fun filled day!  Right away this morning we all remembered to check in with our magnets.  Then,  we jumped into doing sound boxes.  We all did a really nice job at not peeking at each other's papers.  We read the story "There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly".  We even got to make our own old lady.  We put all the stuff that she ate into a plastic bag- "her belly".  We had outside time for library and then it was lunch time.  Right after recess we went to computer class.  This afternoon for math we played Yahtzee with a friend.  Some of us won the game quickly, but other it took a while. Our day ended with BINGO! Some got some Bingo's, some did not.  We still all got a piece of candy for having good behavior.  Enjoy your night. I can't wait to see you all tomorrow! 
Posted by Guest  On Sep 05, 2013 at 3:00 PM 12 Comments
Day 2 was great!  Today the students came in right away and surprised me by how much they remembered to do for our morning routine.  This morning, we did a bus art project.  We tied in what we learned yesterday about bus safety by writing three rules on the windows of our buses. You will see your child's bus in his/her folder tonight.  Once we finished up our bus, we read the story "Chrysanthemum". We had a good talk about why we shouldn't call other people names.  We also had a fun talk about how names are all unique and special.  Some of us even shared who we were named after.  We made a graph on the SmartBoard using our names.  Names that had five letters won! Today we were introduced to one of our Daily 5 centers- Read to Self.  We picked a book, found a spot to sit, and we read for five whole minutes without any talking and everyone reading!  It was AMAZING!  Their challenge was to see if they could make it five whole minutes and they did! :) This afternoon, we had music and library. We ended our day with math centers. I hope you all have a great night!  I look forward to seeing you back here tomorrow!        
Posted by Guest  On Sep 04, 2013 at 4:32 PM 2 Comments
Today went much smoother; we're starting to get the routine down! The boys and girls came in from the playground and we went right into our calendar and daily math warmup. During our math warmup we broke into partner groups and told each other story problems, showing our work and labeling on our whiteboards. Daily math warm up-showing work and making partners of numbers We started our language arts curriculum by reviewing the short 'a' sound. We read a book called "Ants," and the students learned EEKK style-elbow elbow knee knee. (We had time in between lessons to share a few of our brown bag interests!) After our short 'a' lesson, we talked about what good readers look for in books. I had a bag of shoes and I pulled out different types and asked what that shoe was used for ("Would a soccer player use a basketball shoe? No! Would my grandpas slipper fit me?) They learned that just like shoes have different uses, so do the books we read. Some shoes/books might work for some people, but not for me. When we choose a book we need to follow I PICK-I pick a book by the PURPOSE, INTEREST, COMPREHENSION, and KNOWING most words. We had lunch and then came back and did a journal writing about the boys and girls second grade hopes and dreams. We also got our handwriting journals, and practiced writing the letter 'a.' Then we had computer, snack, PE, and home! **Please bring any empty cereal boxes and old socks (for white board erasers!) if you have any :)
Posted by Guest  On Sep 04, 2013 at 3:27 PM 5 Comments
Right when we got to school we put our folders in our pouches!  We did great at this!! Today we started the Daily 5!  We practiced read to self.  We would find a cozy place in the classroom with two books.  The books were not too hard.  Then we practiced reading them for one minute, then two minutes, and finally for three minutes.  We did a great job!   Next, we read the story Chrysanthemum! It was about a little girl name Chrysanthemum and people would make fun of her name!  In the end of the story she started to like her name anyway!  After that, we made a graph with our names and how many letters are in them.  Five had the most names!  Before lunch we had music with Mrs. Staples and after lunch we had math centers.  Next we had phy. ed. FINALLY, we ended our day with...........BINGO!!! It was a lot of fun!!  I can't wait to see you all tomorrow!!!
Posted by Guest  On Sep 04, 2013 at 3:04 PM 2 Comments
(Be sure to click on blogs daily title to see pictures along with post! :) ) We had a busy but great first day! I met the students on the playground and we walked up together. We met for morning meeting on the carpet and started by going around and saying our names and one thing we did over the summer. Then we talked about our normal morning routine; coming in and emptying out our folders, checking for notes, and talking quietly on carpet until attendance is done. Then we got together with our table groups and made a list of other rules we think are appropriate for school, hallway, and bathroom. They did well working together! They did a short presentation of their posters to the class. After our rule making we did calendar and our daily math warmup. Then we did a scavenger hunt BINGO game where students had to find other classmates that shared interests (is your favorite food pizza? did you ride the bus today?) Then we went outside to the school bus and had bus safety before heading to lunch. Our afternoon consisted of PE and music, followed by digging right into our math curriculum. Lesson 1 was talking about how math is used in our daily lives, and the importance of labeling and showing our work in math. We ended the day by a bus safety movie and a school supply crossword. Busy Busy! **We need to make our own book bins. ASAP within the first two weeks, if you have any empty cereal boxes laying around can you please bring them? Thank you! :)
Posted by Guest  On Sep 03, 2013 at 4:42 PM 5 Comments
Welcome back to another school year!  I am so excited to be back!  Today was a fun and extremely busy day.  This morning, we talked about bus safety and we even got to go out on a real bus to talk about how to be safe while riding the bus. When we got back, we did some language arts review to see what we remembered from kindergarten.  After recess, we had music and phy ed.  Then, we worked on a heart project.  We drew things on a heart that we love.  This will help us when we do writer's workshop this year.  The day definitely flew by!  I am eager to see you all back here tomorrow!   
Posted by Guest  On Sep 03, 2013 at 3:53 PM 2 Comments
Thank you for attending our Kindergarten Conference.  I am excited to begin the school year with your child!  To spend  your life doing what matters is the greatest of all achievements.  Teaching matters! Have a great evening! Mrs. Knutson
Posted by emilydavey!  On Sep 03, 2013 at 3:38 PM 11 Comments
We did a bunch of projects today!  One of the projects was a bus.  In the windows we wrote three safety rules for on the bus.  The other project was a heart.  On the heart we drew all of the things that we love.  We will use this heart for when we are writing.  We went on a bus today, but it didn't drive anywhere.  We learned about bus safety rules on there.  Today we had Library and Music.  Library was really fun because we got to bring home a BOOK!!!  Aleah and Briar shared two of their pictures from summer.  We started with a smiling game....ask me how to play it at home.  :)  I can't wait to see everyone tomorrow! 
Posted by Guest  On Sep 03, 2013 at 3:02 PM 2 Comments
Hello! I look forward to meeting you and your child tonight at open house! Then, enjoy your labor day weekend and come back on Tuesday refreshed and ready to begin a great year! For Tuesday, remember your brown paper bag filled with objects that describe you. Also, please bring in the near future any empty cereal boxes and shoe boxes you have! We will be using those as book boxes and pencil cases :)  Thank you!  Miss Voigts
Posted by Guest  On Aug 29, 2013 at 3:41 PM 5 Comments
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