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Today we started MATH today!  We worked on the numbers 0, 1, and 2.  We also practiced patterns!  Maybe we can make some patterns at home tonight.  Check our folder for our homework!  It needs to come back ,completed on both sides, tomorrow.  Math was a lot of fun!  Next, we had social studies.  We worked with maps.  We took a picture of a playground and we worked as a team to make a map of it on our tables!  The blue table worked the best together but everyone did a great job.  Right before lunch we had music.  Mrs. Staples was gone but we had fun with Mrs. B.  After lunch we read a story about Molly Lou Melon.  Ask me if Molly Lou was proud or not.  Then we worked more with the sound 'a'.  Next we had, library.  We love Mrs. Peterson.  BRING BACK THOSE BOOKS!!!  Finally, we ended our day with reading the story Let's Tap!  It was a great story and we did wonderful reading it.  We finally finished our second grade math test too!  OOFTA.....that was tough!  I can't wait too see you tomorrow!!!! 
Posted by Guest  On Sep 10, 2013 at 3:04 PM 2 Comments
Today everybody was happy!  We did our calendar this morning.  Then it was time for reading.  We worked on sound boxes with a partner.  We practiced short a words on our whiteboards.  As a class and with a partner we read the story, "Let's Tap".  It was about teaching people to tap dance. We got to do another Daily 5 center- Read to Someone.  We did an excellent job.  We all remembered to EEKK up....which means elbow, elbow, knee to knee.  We also practiced drawing pictures and adding labels.  Lunch time came quickly today.  After recess, we had music and gym.  For math today,  we worked on numbers 0, 1, and 2.  We also worked on making patterns.  Tonight is the first night of math homework.  We ended our day with social studies.  We learned about maps.  We even got to make a map out of shapes at our tables.  Everyone did a very nice job working as a team.  Goodbye!  I am excited to see your bright and shiny faces tomorrow morning!
Posted by Guest  On Sep 10, 2013 at 2:58 PM 3 Comments
Today was a good Monday. We did our calendar and daily math warm-up, followed by our spelling pre-test. If a student got all 10 words right, they will test from the challenge words only on Thursday. The list is located in the blue packet that went home last week. After our spelling test we did our language arts lesson. We reviewed short a and i, and worked with our sight words and robust word vocabulary (located in your blue packet as well). We will have both our spelling tests and reading weekly lesson tests on Thursdays. Centers for the next two days were explained and boys and girls got to work working with their spelling words, writing a letter to our star student, reading to self/partner, and working with the teacher. They did pretty well, but we will continue working on staying on task while I am busy with small groups :) After lunch we started our Social Studies curriculum. We talked about where people live; urban, suburb, and rural areas. Then we had PE and Library, followed by 3rd grade math testing. We finished with a math lesson on comparison problems and started a class quilt for Art. Reminders: Book orders due this Friday! Bring in your old socks/cereal boxes! I still need about 10 cereal boxes. Friday Sep. 27th is school pictures. **If you have any used ink cartilages and would like to bring them to school, I can turn them in for money to buy things for our classroom! :) 
Posted by Guest  On Sep 09, 2013 at 3:28 PM 5 Comments
We started our day taking part of our second grade math test.  It was hard but we did great!  Then we went into social studies.  Today was talked about our families.  We learned that you can do jobs with your family, you can learn from your family, and your family can tell you stories.  Miss C. told us one of her favorite family stories.  It was about Fuzzy the duck.  Look in the photo gallery on our webpage and you will see Fuzzy.  Miss C's grandma use to feed Fuzzy in a high chair.  After this, we drew pictures of our family.  Next, we had our FIRST spelling pre-test.  This was just a practice test.  Some of us did get 100% so we do not have to take the test on Friday.  Way to go! Then., we had lunch.  After lunch we had phy ed.  It was a lot of fun.  Then we came back and learned about the letter......Aa.  We practiced the sound, writing it, and sounding it out in words.  Then, we had library.  DON'T FORGET YOUR BOOK TOMORROW!!!!!!!! Next, we read the story Tag!!  It was a great story.  Finally, we ended with reading some other stories and answering questions!  I can't wait to see everyone tomorrow. 
Posted by Guest  On Sep 09, 2013 at 3:00 PM 2 Comments
Today was a good day!  We started our first grade reading series.  We got to look through our Storytown books and see the stories we will read.  We practiced the short a sound.  We even built short a words on our whiteboards.  We learned about labels.  Sometimes our pictures make it hard to tell what we are drawing, so we add a label.  We had music and gym.  For social studies, we learned about families.  We drew a picture of our own families and we added labels. Our day ended with finishing up our math test.  It was kinda hard.  Have a great day!  I am looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow!
Posted by Guest  On Sep 09, 2013 at 2:44 PM 2 Comments
We had a successful first two days of kindergarten! We sang songs, did projects and made new friends! Next week will be our first full week of school! We will learn about bus safety and families. Please remember to send your child's All About Me bag and family photo on Monday! My goal is to use this blog frequently...please check back often!
Posted by kzywicki  On Sep 07, 2013 at 9:04 PM 22 Comments
Today followed a similar routine as yesterday. We did our morning meeting, sharing one thing we plan to do over the weekend, followed by calendar and our math routine. Then we did language arts, reviewing short a and short i. We did a fun practice sheet where the boys and girls were given a story with missing parts, and they had to fill it in with a short a or i word. After this we finished up our centers from yesterday. Then the boys and girls had a few minutes to work on unfinished work (when work is unfinished, it goes in their unfinished folder and this work must get done before 'fun friday.') If their work isn't done they miss out on whatever fun things we have planned-today was outside time. Also, children who 'clipped down' during the week also have to give me time during fun friday. We had music and computer today, followed by our star student sharing. I was the star student so I shared my posted and the boys and girls had a chance to ask questions about me. Then they wrote me a letter telling one thing they like, one thing they noticed, and asked me one question. They did good for their first letter! We tested more on our third grade math tests, earning the kids outside time to end the day. Enjoy the weekend!
Posted by Guest  On Sep 06, 2013 at 3:25 PM 5 Comments
Today we started with talking about how we all miss our moms!  Even  Miss C misses her mom.  Next, we made our old ladies.  Then we retold the story with our critical friends.  While we were doing this our class pet came out.   His name is Woofster!  Ask us about him.  Tonight, you can have your child retell the story because they brought their story home.  After that we read a different school version, Joe's favorite, of there was an old lady.  Next we had Phy. Ed where we got a great report.  After lunch we worked on sound boxes.  Ask us about Ava, Isaac, Ethan, Owen, and the unicorn.  Then we had music with one of our favorites Mrs. Staples.  After music we learned about our store.  We will start earning  money on Monday and C-Mart opens on Friday!  Then. we started  SECOND GRADE math test!  We will take this test again at the end of the year to see how much we have grown!  Finally, we ended our day OUTSIDE!!! I can't wait to see everyone on MONDAY for John-Boy's BIRTHDAY!!  :)
Posted by Guest  On Sep 06, 2013 at 2:40 PM 2 Comments
Today was a happy day!  It's FRIDAY!  Right away we did our morning greeting.  Today was the first day that someone remembered all of our classmates names.  We all got to share our summer pictures.  Some of our pictures were easy to guess, but some were hard.  Then, we got with a friend and retold the story "There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly".  After lunch and recess we went to gym and music. FINALLY, it was time to meet our 3rd grade reading buddies.  We are buddies this year with Mrs. Hallsten's class.  It was fun to meet a new friend.  We can't wait to see our buddies next week.  When we got back,  we took a really hard math test.  A few of the problems were easy, but most of them were hard.  This test was to see what we knew about math.  Our day ended going outside to play for choice time.  I hope everyone has a great weekend!  See you back here on Monday.
Posted by Guest  On Sep 06, 2013 at 2:20 PM 2 Comments
Today went very smoothly. We did our calendar and morning meeting along with our math warm up. Then we did another Reading lesson, revisting short 'a' and reviewing short 'i.' We played some smartboard games before introducing the book "Arthur's Reading Race." We read it as a class and the boys and girls did a great job listening. The boys and girls have been doing such a great job that I decided to introduce centers today. We broke into our six centers we will be focusing on for the year 1) Meet with Teacher 2) Listen to Reading 3) Read to Self 4) Read to a Partner 5) Word Work 6) Work on Writing. We got through 2 today and they did awesome! Now we are making sure our work is always our best quality, and not rushing. working with short a and i read-to-partner After lunch we had music followed by finishing up our brown bag shares. Then we went to PE. After PE we started our beginning of the year 3rd grade assessments (we test the 3rd graders test to see how much growth we have during 2nd grade). They did well sitting in our hot classroom through this. If we have another good day tomorrow we'll earn extra recess for Fun Friday! *Other Info *My email you can reach me is [email protected]. I check this randomly throughout the day, and several times in the evening. Feel free to email me anytime! *Book orders are due next Friday the 13th
Posted by Guest  On Sep 05, 2013 at 3:25 PM 5 Comments
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