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This morning was a little strange....because we had a SUBSTITUTE!!  Miss C was off looking at all of our wonderful test scores from MAP!!  We did great without her though.  We took our practice math test.  It was EASSSSSYYY!!!  Then, we had some game and puzzle time.  Next, we had language arts in the morning....which is goofy, but it was because we had our field trip of social studies in the afternoon.  She read us Yes Day and we practiced our high frequency words and our 'ck' sound.  After lunch Miss C. was back!  We learned our new high frequency words.... OH, YES, and LATE!!  Then we read Get Up, Rick! Then we practiced writing the letter K!  Have your child show you at home how we write our lower case K's in 1st grade.  After library, we wrote captions for some silly pictures.  My favorite was the kid in space.  Then, we FINALLY went on our field trip!  It was so cool to see all of the things from the past!  Pictures will be up tonight or tomorrow!  :)  Finally, we ended our day writing thank you notes to the Esko Historical Society!  They did a wonderful job!  I can't wait to see you all tomorrow! 
Posted by Guest  On Oct 01, 2013 at 3:02 PM 2 Comments
Today we had a good morning. We did our daily math warm up where we reviewed different strategies we have learned for solving addition and subtraction problems. Then we got into our language arts. We worked with our vocab and robust vocab for the week. We also read the story "Henry and Mudge," as a group. Then we had our daily 5 center time before we worked in our handwriting journals. This afternoon I will be at a data retreat awhile the boys and girls enjoy PE and Music. They will be taking their Unit 1 test in Social Studies. They will be working with make-a-ten flash cards in math, as well as filling out a fun "Math About Me!" sheet. Enjoy your Tuesdays!
Posted by Guest  On Oct 01, 2013 at 11:03 AM 6 Comments
Today was a great day!  Our morning started out with language arts.  This week we are learning about the ck sound.  We practiced building ck words and we even read the story "Pick a Sack" that had many ck words in it.  Grammar this week is all about the telling part of sentences.  Writing this week is going to be very fun! We are working on captions. We wrote a few captions today as a class for some funny animal pictures. We will continue doing this throughout the week.  We had music and PE today.  We earned free game day in PE. It was a blast!! For math today we had centers.  We worked on True/False, shapes, patterns, and we played the paperclip toss game.  During this game we practiced adding.  Our day ended with social studies.  We learned about Earth.  We learned that there are 4 oceans and 7 continents.  We listened to a catchy continent song today.  By the end of the week I bet your child will have this song memorized!  Have a great Monday, see you back here on Tuesday.  Don't forget we have our mini field trip tomorrow! :)
Posted by Guest  On Sep 30, 2013 at 4:11 PM 2 Comments
What a good Monday! We started with calendar and learned what our new jobs for the week are. Then we did our daily math warm up followed by our language arts lesson. We are working with main idea and supporting details. I read a few short stories to the boys and girls and they had to give me the main idea and details. Then we took a spelling test. If they got all 10 words correct they will only test on the challenge words on Friday. In language arts we are also working with long vowel sounds. We talked about the bossy e, and how it always yells at letters to say their name (you might see the boys and girls circled the 'e's on their spelling test and drew a line towards the letter it is bossing around). We did centers where we practiced our spelling words using first our dominate hand, then writing them with our other hand! We wrote a letter to our star student, and worked with the teacher in small group. After lunch we started Unit 2 in Social Studies. This unit is about places and regions. Today we discussed the vocab for the chapter-natural resources, continent, climate, and landform. We had PE and library, then we did a math lesson on Make-a-Ten. We finished with read aloud and Silent Ball :) Reminders: Activity Fund $30 in please :) Skate $ in We still need 5 more cereal boxes Wed Oct 9 wear orange for bullying day
Posted by Guest  On Sep 30, 2013 at 3:20 PM 5 Comments
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=apIzM6rywf0 In math today we had m&m's again!  We practiced odd and even numbers.  Then, we had centers!  They were so much fun!  Check out the mega math games on our website.  We loved them!  Then. we made a map in social studies.  The map showed the continents and the oceans.  If you drank water from the ocean it would taste like salt!  YUCK!! Check out the link above to see our continents song.  Your job tonight, is to make up a song about the four oceans.  They are: Atlantic, Pacific, Indian. and Artic.  See if you can come up with a rhyme or a song for these four oceans.  I can't wait to hear them tomorrow.  After lunch, we finished our maps and then Carli shared her poster.  Carli is one sweet girl!  We are so lucky to have that rock star in our class!!  Then we had library!  We need to practice being quieter in library.  After that, we worked with our new sound this week.......CK!!!  BROCK is our PRO!   I can't wait to see you all tomorrow!!!
Posted by Guest  On Sep 30, 2013 at 3:04 PM 2 Comments
Today was a very fun day!  This morning we had our pictures taken and a K-12 Homecoming Pep Fest!  It was so much fun getting to parade into the gym with our signs showing what we are proud of. After the pep fest we got to be word surgeons.  We had to cut apart words and use band aids to make the words into a contraction!  After lunch we had gym and music.  Then, we took our Unit 4 social studies test and did math.  Math today was learning more about the numbers 1-10 and riddles about what number is one more or one less than a certain number.  For example,  I am thinking of a number that is one less than 8, what is it?  Our day ended with free choice and B-Mart!  I hope you have a wonderful weekend...maybe see you tonight at the football game!  :)
Posted by Guest  On Sep 27, 2013 at 4:00 PM 2 Comments
today  in the morning  we did lots of work. we played the vocabulary games on the smart bord. we did other stuff too. We did fun friday centers.Then we went too lunch. We went too music then we went too take pictures. then we finished are centers and we also went too take a bathroom brake.  my favorite part was when we took our pictures that was the best day of  life.
Posted by Guest  On Sep 27, 2013 at 3:04 PM 6 Comments
Today was a busy and exciting day!   This morning we took our spelling test, then went down to say CHEESE for picture day!  After that, we change into our blue and gold, took a class picture (CHECK OUT OUR PHOTO GALLERY) and then headed down to the PEP RALLY!  It was a blast!  Congrats to Emily and Reed, our new Esko King and Queen!  After that, we went out side for phy ed.  What a fun morning!  In the afternoon, Miss C. was gone.  We did math with Miss Jarvis.  We made posters of 1-10!  After 5....we leave a space!  After music today we created self portraits.  I'm sure they look great!  Finally, we ended our day with CMART of course!  I can't wait to see everyone on Monday!!! Missing you all already!  
Posted by Guest  On Sep 27, 2013 at 12:25 PM 4 Comments
Today was a great day!  We did Daily 5 right away this morning.  We had to stop after a couple of our centers to go to library.  We continued Daily 5 when we got back.  At the writing center we wrote sentences about ourselves and what we like to do.  At the word work center we finished our BOGGLE boards.  For language arts, we also learned about contractions.  We focused on ('s) today.  After lunch,  we had our very last MAP test.  We had to retake one of the math parts of our test due to a tiny mistake. We now are officially done with our beginning of the year MAP testing! Math today was learning about even and odd numbers and doubles!  We even made spiders representing 4 + 4 = 8.  These will be beautifully displayed on our windows!  We only had a little bit of time after math to make chalkboards from school long ago!  Have a fabulous night,  get outside and play, play, play!  Don't forget tomorrow is picture day and wear blue and gold day for Homecoming!  See you on Friday!
Posted by Guest  On Sep 26, 2013 at 3:11 PM 2 Comments
Today we started with math.  It was a little bit different because we used M&M's in math!  We counted them.  We explored even and odd numbers with them.  Then we subtracted them by eating them.  Next, we went over doubles.  3+3=6, 4+4=8.... Then we created a little critter that has doubles facts on it's legs.....it was a SPIDER!!! Check them out in our window!! Then, we went to the computer lab.  After, we took our Social Studies test.  I'm sure we all did great!  Then, in language arts we practiced making contractions, then we took our 'boards' to be surgeons....and then we had 24 WORD SURGEONS (including Miss C.) in our class.  We would cute the 'i' off the is and then STITCH it together!  It was a lot of fun!!  Finally, we ended our day with Daily 5!   What a wonderful day it was!  I can't wait to see you tomorrow.....for PICTURE day and HOMECOMING!!! 
Posted by Guest  On Sep 26, 2013 at 3:04 PM 2 Comments
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