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I hope you have a great Easter break! Safe travels and see you Monday!
Posted by Guest  On Apr 17, 2014 at 2:53 PM 10 Comments
Today was a short day, but a really fun day!  We came to school and went STRAIGHT to computer.  There we looked on Britannica for our favorite animal!  Then, we had lunch and recess.  This afternoon we took our spelling test.  It was tough, especially with a short week.  Then, we had centers.  One of the centers we worked on time, one was with money, one was with alphabetizing and the other was writing poetry.  When we were with Miss C. we took a quick quiz on money.  Finally, after we danced away in music we came back to our classroom to find that the EASTER BUNNY had come!   It was a lot of fun looking for our baskets and then celebrating Stella's Birthday.  After all that, we had Cmart!  I hope everyone has a fabulous Easter and I can't wait to see you all on Monday!
Posted by Guest  On Apr 17, 2014 at 2:44 PM 463 Comments
Can you believe this weather?  WE SURE CAN'T!  It was really sad today when one of our classmates described spring as snowy!  YIKES!  Hopefully this is the last of it.  During math centers today we also had some language arts centers!  At one center, we worked on our final copy of a special poem.  By the smartboard, we alphabetized Easter eggs.  The other centers we worked with money and story problems.  After math, we had science.  We now have caterpillars in our science!  We were so excited to see them and we can't wait to see their life cycle!  Most of us think that  they will turn into butterflies, but we will have to wait and observe their changes.  This afternoon, we wrote sentences about animals with great verbs such as wiggled, slithers, creeps, and so on.  Then we alphabetized our spelling and high frequency words.  We also completed the writing portion of our theme test.  It was a great day, even though Mother Nature is annoying.  :)  I can't wait to see you all for a FUN day tomorrow!
Posted by Guest  On Apr 16, 2014 at 2:52 PM 2332 Comments
Hello! On this snowy day, we were busy learning. This morning we had reading.  For reading today we read our decodable reader "Duke, the Singing Mule".  We practiced our spelling words on whiteboards.  We also practiced writing sentences that had a verb in them. We got some new insects for science.  We got five caterpillars.  These caterpillars are special ones.  They are called Painted Lady Larva!  We also measured our plants.  Some grew and some stayed the same height.  This afternoon we had music and library.  It was checkout day! In math, we cut out dollars and we had to think about how much change we would get back if we paid someone $1 for an item.  I hope I will see all of you tomorrow.  Cross your fingers for the snow to STOP!   
Posted by Guest  On Apr 16, 2014 at 2:40 PM 6 Comments
We finished our Easter Baskets today!  No school Friday! 
Posted by Guest  On Apr 16, 2014 at 2:15 PM 14 Comments
We started out our day doing math!  It was a great day in math as we are doing multi-digit addition with MISSING PARTNERS!!  It is unbelievable how much these first graders know!  I was amazed how well they did with me being gone yesterday!  WOW!  Then, we finished our bunny baskets!  They turned out cute!  The kids will be bringing them home on Thursday, in time for the bunny to come this weekend.  This afternoon we worked on our new high frequency words, sound, and alphabetizing!  SO MUCH FUN!!  Finally, we ended the day watching Frozen!!  I can't wait to see you all tomorrow!
Posted by Guest  On Apr 15, 2014 at 3:00 PM 477 Comments
Busy Tuesday! We worked on more Theme 5 testing as well as our paper mache balloons! No School Friday!    Enjoy your evening!
Posted by Guest  On Apr 15, 2014 at 2:59 PM 8 Comments
It was a pretty good day!  Today for reading we did quite a few things.  We read the story called "Amazing Animals".  We learned about animals and something special about each one.  We worked on ABC order and on verbs some more.  In science we watched a brainpop video about plants.  This afternoon we had music and PE.  Then, we had math.  Math was working more on our whiteboards with unknown partners.  Tonight for your homework you will see that you need to find the missing partner for 100.  Remember to draw circles to get to a decade number, then draw sticks and maybe more circles after that!  :)  We ended this day with groups.  Everyone did a nice job at working on their MUST DO- CAN DO sheet.  I'll see your superman and supergirl faces tomorrow! 
Posted by Guest  On Apr 15, 2014 at 2:33 PM 2 Comments
Today we had a busy day with theme 5 testing. We did two big comprehension tests as well as a robust vocab test. We had PE and library before we enjoyed snack. Then we did another theme test before RTI and home! Remember: We DO have school Monday the 21st.  No school this Friday, April 18th!
Posted by Guest  On Apr 14, 2014 at 1:58 PM 7 Comments
Today was a pleasant day!  This morning we had Daily 5.  For word work we got practice our spelling words by playing on the smartboard and ipad. At the writing center we got to write a poem about an animal.  In library we read a story called "Lacy Walker Non-stop Talker".  During work time we had to lose our voices like Lacy in the story.  This made work time SUPER quiet!  Computer today was watching a Brainpop movie on butterflies. In science we looked to see if our plants had gotten any bigger.  We did a little bit of art again today.  We painted the secondary colors which are orange, green, and purple.  We made these by mixing colors together.  We finished up with math.  Math today was working on a worksheet together with a partner. We were working on adding with story problems.  We did a very nice job showing our work!  See you all tomorrow! 
Posted by Guest  On Apr 10, 2014 at 2:38 PM 5 Comments
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