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This morning we came in and we were REALLY excited to meet the hero!!  We had math first though.  During math, we worked on story problems that we would solve.  During centers we watched our classmates videos of story problems and then we had to solve them.  Ask me what I did with Miss C. at her table.  We also played cards with a friend at a center.  During social studies, we started our maps.  Today we just made the title and key!  They are going to be great!  After lunch, we finished up our key and THEN.......  THE HERO CAME!!  His name is Officer Steve Estey and he is from the Virginia Police Department.  He saved a little girl's life.  Ask me about it.  Today he was presented an award in Hermantown with his crew for being such heroes.  WATCH THE NEWS (Channel 6) tonight and you will see our hero!  He is awesome!  He even brought bags for us with tons of fun inside of them.  Thank you Officer Steve.    During library there was a fire drill!  Mrs. Peterson said that we did great!  After that, we were really sleepy.  Half the class looked like they could go to bed, SO we went outside and EXERCISED!! We skipped, we galloped, we sprinted, and we walked.  It sure helped because when we came back we completed EVERYTHING!  We even started a story about a ghost pumpkin head.   I can't wait to see you all tomorrow!!  Don't forget to WATCH THE NEWS!!!
Posted by Guest  On Oct 08, 2013 at 3:05 PM 2 Comments
Today was a productive Monday. In language arts we worked with the ee and ea vowel pairs. We took a spelling pre test and got into new daily 5 centers! This week our theme is pets, so everything is about pets. After lunch we worked on a bullying video we are making for the school. Then we went to PE where we roller skated followed by library. In math we worked on make-a-ten story problems. We got a new set of flash cards to practice making tens. Then we had story and headed home! Silent reading in the star student chair during snack time
Posted by Guest  On Oct 07, 2013 at 3:16 PM 5 Comments
Today, during calendar we earned our 30th tally mark.  This means that we earned a party.  We then voted on whether we wanted a hero to come to our room or just watch a movie.  EVERY single student wanted the HERO to come.  This hero is a police officer in Virginia who him and his crew saved a family from a burning house.  He saved the little girl himself.  We can't wait to meet him tomorrow.  After that, we had math.  Math is so much fun.  Here is how our days always go.  First, we watch Miss C. on the smartboard teach us the lesson.  Then we complete our activity sheet.  Next, we have our whole group activity which today was making patterns.  Finally, we end with centers.  Todays centers were AWESOME!! Ask me what my favorite one was.  After that we took our spelling pre-test.  We really know the sound 'o'.  Next, we had social studies.  We made our continent, the state, and the country.  Did you know that we live in Minnesota, AND in The United States of America. AND in North America.  WOW!! We didn't know that, or realize that before today.  After lunch, we played.......PIG!!! We love that game!  In library today, we had to check out one book that mom and dad can read and the other book that we could read!!  Keep on reading and logging your minutes.  Finally, we ended our day working with the letter o, and our new writing this week!  I can't wait to see you all and the HERO tomorrow!   
Posted by Guest  On Oct 07, 2013 at 3:01 PM 2 Comments
Happy Friday! Today we had a lot of fun. We had our star student sharing, followed by our daily math warm up. There we came up with story problems, and the boys and girls had to write the corresponding equation frame that would match (i.e. ___+5=10). Then we did a language arts review of what we learned this week. This included some fun smartboard games. Then it was time for Fun Friday Game centers. The boys and girls did a word building board game, learned how to play "Spot it," played "Headbands" with vocabulary, charades with vocabulary, as well as a read-to-self and read-to-teacher station. They had a blast! After lunch we went straight to music. Then we came back and did more review on matching story problems with equations. This helps prepare children for writing algebraic equations with an unknown. It also helps them to read problems carefully to understand the situation. They are doing great. We had computer as well as art in the classroom. Then we earned our turtle time ___minutes, and enjoyed that free choice time! Have a wonderful weekend!
Posted by Guest  On Oct 04, 2013 at 3:17 PM 5 Comments
We started our day and doing math!  We had our normal ROUTINE with the morning message, calendar, schedule, stick, and greeting..  THEN, we got to math.  Math was centers, and two Miss C's.  We watched one of the Miss C's teach on the smartboard while the other Miss C. walked around the room in REAL LIFE!!!  It is SO crazy!  One of our math centers we got to record our friends telling math story problems.  Most of us told stories about pumpkins!  They are awesome!  Then, we had social studies where we labeled our paintings with lakes, plains, rivers, and mountains.  Check them out in the hallway.  THEN, we had ROLLERSKATING!!!  IT WAS SO MUCH FUN!!! We are still learning the basics, but each day we will get better and better.  After lunch we had third grade buddies.  We all love seeing our buddies.  Then, we took our spelling and language arts test.  Finally, we ended our day with a good old shopping trip Cmart.  Some of the boys even tore a fan apart!  What a bunch of handymen!  :)  I can't wait to see you all on Monday! 
Posted by Guest  On Oct 04, 2013 at 3:04 PM 2 Comments
Tody we started with morning meting. Before lunch some one came in her name is Grandma marge    and in the hall we practiced reading.Then we went to lunch .After lunch we went to music and pe. Then we had snack. At the end of the day we had math and went home. Bring a stuffed animal to school is a prize in the prize box Working on finding the missing part of an equation
Posted by Guest  On Oct 03, 2013 at 3:16 PM 5 Comments
We started our day with math!!    Math was really different today!  We got a clipboard and pencil and Miss C. was ON THE SMARTBOARD!!! There were TWO Miss C's!  It was so cool.  One of the Miss C's taught us and the other walked around and helped us.  After that, we had math centers.....one center was with an ipad, one was with stickers, one was on the smart board, and another was with Miss C acting out math problems.  For social studies we PAINTED today!!  We painted a mountain, a lake, a plain, and a river!  It was a lot of fun!  In the afternoon we underlined and highlighted some SPOOKY sentences.  The highlighted part is the telling part.  The underlined part was the naming part.  Next, we did one minute writing.  Ask your child how many words was their best.  At snack today we celebrated Elijah's birthday!  Thank you for the delicious cupcakes.  Finally, we ended with the Daily 5.  We got a little rowdy today, so we are going to keep practicing that.  I can't wait to see you tomorrow!   
Posted by Guest  On Oct 03, 2013 at 3:06 PM 2 Comments
When we came in this morning we had OCTOBER BOOKS at our spots!!  We were so excited!!  Then we had math.  Today was our Unit one Math test!  Brock says it was easy.  The rest of the class agrees!  Then, we took a survey on how we feel about math.  We are going to take this survey after every unit.  Unit 2 is going to be different then unit one.  Next, came social studies.  Today was a lot of fun because we had classmates think of different songs of the oceans.  So many kids had great ideas!  Ask me what my favorite was.  After that, we had music.  In music we played BINGO!! So much fun!  After lunch we wrote in our first grade writing books!  We had ten minutes to write and we sure wrote A LOT!!!  WOW!!! Then we worked on our high frequency words and telling parts of sentences.  In phy ed today we learned about rollerskating in the theater.  Finally, we ended our day with the daily 5!! What a busy day!  I can't wait to see you all tomorrow!
Posted by Guest  On Oct 02, 2013 at 3:04 PM 2 Comments
Today was a busy Wednesday. After calendar and daily math, we got into language arts. We talked about genres of books, and the boys and girls read a poem about a dog. We reviewed spelling words and vocabulary. We also talked about long vowel sounds. Then we finished up stations. On Wednesdays we are going to start going to the computer lab as a class to do AR testing. When the boys finish a book at their AR level (a good fit level!) they can test on it. They can only do these at school, but you as parents can view them at home (the way I understand it). After lunch we had Math where we worked in partners to come up with addition story problems and solve them on our whiteboards. We practiced our make-a-ten flashcards before we had time to get some unfinished work done. We ended our day with Computer, daily 5 stamina building (we went from a record 23 minutes to 13 :( ...and then PE. Good day! Enjoy the beautiful weather. Math story problems
Posted by Guest  On Oct 02, 2013 at 2:24 PM 5 Comments
Today was another fun filled day!  This morning we had a sub.  Ms. Battaglia got a great report from her!  Ms. Brule will be our sub for the next four days.  It would really make Ms. Battaglia's week if she could get four more GREAT reports about us!  Our blogging will take a break while Ms. Battaglia is gone, but it will be up and running when she returns! This morning with the sub we did language arts.  We worked more on the ck sound and we built ck words on our whiteboards.  We practiced our high frequency words, read a story called "Get Up, Rick!", and we wrote some more captions for funny animal pictures.  This afternoon, Ms. Battaglia came back from her meeting.  We went to music and PE. Then, we went on our field trip.  We walked over to the Historical Museum.  We learned lots about the past.  We got to go in a schoolhouse,  a mill,  an old school bus, a sauna, and an old house.  It was SOO much fun!!  When we got back to school, we talked about what we had learned and did a practice math test.  We are all ready for the real test tomorrow. Have a wonderful night and rest of the week! I will miss you and will see you soon!
Posted by Guest  On Oct 01, 2013 at 3:58 PM 2 Comments
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