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Today we had a busy day, as we were doing a lot of testing for our language arts theme 2 curriculum. This was a review over everything we have learned this month. I've checked half of the tests and so far it looks like we've done a great job! Comprehension is still a weak area for us. I sent these tests home today-look over them so you can see the types of questions that are expected of our 2nd graders :) We did center work and then headed to lunch followed by PE. We played a fun witch game in PE. Then we did another portion of our language arts tests before going to music to work on our holiday program. After music we had title and snack. Then we did a math lesson that was working on counting on to make a ten to solve addition and subtraction problems. We also worked on solving a variety of story problems. We did math centers were we played a parachute drop game that worked on teen total facts, as well as the remembering side of our homework. We ended the day with unfinished work. REMINDERS: This Friday is a Bully Free Day. A.k.a wear Jacob's bullying teeshirt! :)
Posted by Guest  On Nov 19, 2013 at 2:47 PM 5 Comments
Today we had a good day.  For reading today, we read the story "Soccer Song".  This story was about a girl who wasn't very good at soccer at first.  By the end of the story though she was a great goalie!  We built many -ng words on our whiteboards.  Then, since we are working on dialogue, we drew a picture and had two people talking to each other!  We had music and PE today.  In science class, we learned even more about the digestive system.  We got to watch a BrainPop video on this system. Two cool facts that we learned today are that we need to eat healthy in order to keep this system healthy and that our digestion starts with our saliva (spit). Our day ended with math.  In math today we used whiteboards to help us work more with addition and subtraction story problems.  It is kind of tricky for us to find out what they are asking sometimes.  Remember to read the WHOLE story problem before filling in your mountain! :)  See you all tomorrow!   
Posted by Guest  On Nov 19, 2013 at 2:32 PM 15 Comments
We had a great day!  One thing, we have had a lot of kids sick this week so we really need to make sure that we are washing our hands.  Another thing, we are practicing keeping our hands out of our mouths.  This helps us not get sick.  Math was a lot of fun today.  The centers were mega math, Ceci's grandma, working with Miss C, math mountains, and patterns.  We will have our chapter 3 test on Friday.  The movie tonight is about story problems with missing partners.  Then in science we talked about the circulatory system.  We added a heart to our human body.  After lunch, we learned about our new high frequency words.  They are: feet, head, school, use, your, arms, every, and way.  Then we read a story with those words in it.  The story was titled Soccer Song.  Ask your child what it was about.  Then we ended our day working on our grammar, handwriting, and vocabulary.  I can't wait to see you all tomorrow. 
Posted by Guest  On Nov 19, 2013 at 2:29 PM 1 Comment
Today was a great Monday back!  We started with our math games.  I could not believe some of the great games.  For example: Briar's Brainy Board Game, Elijah's Exercise Addition, Joelle's Push Button, the Lindgren's adding and subtracting multiply, and SO MANY MORE!! Then we did adding and subtracting flash cards.  We really need to watch the SIGN!!!! Make sure we are adding when we are suppose to add and subtracting when we are suppose to subtract.  Then we ended math with the Cupid Shuffle.  For science today we learned about the respiratory system.  Ask your child what the main organ is.  After lunch we had phy ed.  Mr. Stos was gone today so guess who our gym teachers were.,.....MISS C AND MISS BATTAGLIA!!  It was a lot of fun and relay running!  Next, we watched a movie on Timmy the Tooth, then we had a new version of PIG today called Turkey!  After library, we learned about our new sound 'ng'.  Finally, we ended with making words go from singular to plural.  I hope you all have a great day and a big THANK YOU to our high school helper Morgan for bringing cupcakes for her birthday.  I can't wait to see you all tomorrow.
Posted by Guest  On Nov 18, 2013 at 3:03 PM 1 Comment
We had a super day!  We had brand new jobs.  This morning we had reading. We started it out by reading "A Color of His Own".  This was a story about a chameleon having his own color.  We are working on the ng sound this week.  We read the story "Frog Gets His Song" to practice our ng sound. We also talked about dialogue.  We learned that dialogue is a fancy word for talking!  We had music right before lunch.  After recess, we ran around in the gym and did some relays.  Science today was learning more about the nervous and circulatory systems.  We also talked about ways to keep your hearts and brains healthy!  Two fun facts that we learned are: your brain weighs 3 pounds and your heart weighs 1 pound!  Our day ended with math and read to self.  Math was working more with unknown partners and unknown totals!  Have a wonderful Monday, see you back here on Tuesday! 
Posted by Guest  On Nov 18, 2013 at 2:49 PM 5 Comments
This week we are reviewing for our theme 2 test. The boys and girls worked really hard all morning! After lunch we did a quick social studies lesson followed by PE and library. Then we did a math lesson on comparison problems. Afterwards, we enjoyed birthday cupcakes and the movie "Gnome and Juliet," as part of our PJ day! Movie time! *Next Wednesday the 27th is an early out!
Posted by Guest  On Nov 18, 2013 at 2:45 PM 5 Comments
When we came today we had our math centers.  They were a new card game, mega math, math with Miss C., puzzles, and math mountains.  After math we had science.  Today, we learned more about the skeletal system and the muscular system.  They work together to move our bodies.  We also thought of different ways to keep the muscular and skeletal systems healthy.  After lunch we had had third grade buddies.  Then we played sparkle!  Joelle was our big winner.  Then we took our spelling test.  After music we had a fun art project.  We had to glue all of these little pieced together to make corn in a basket or you might think it looks like a pumpkin.  Then we ended our day with Cmart.  I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!  I can't wait to see you on Monday!
Posted by Guest  On Nov 15, 2013 at 3:01 PM 1 Comment
Fun Friday! We enjoyed doing fun friday game centers. We also took AR quizes in the computer lab over recent books we have finished. After lunch we went to music followed by a math lesson on comparison story problems. We had time to work on math before we took 25 minutes to build stamina in our silent reading. We had computer and then got to do Friday Art! We are working on disguising turkeys to prevent them from being eaten for Thanksgiving! Have a fabulous weekend! PJ DAY ON MONDAY! Sight Word Charades (acting out 'bulky') Headbanz Game Read-to-Someone
Posted by Guest  On Nov 15, 2013 at 2:06 PM 5 Comments
Today we had our weekly language arts testing. We started with our spelling test and then did our vocabulary and comprehension testing. The boys and girls did really well this week on comprehension (that is our hardest area). After testing we finished up language arts centers. The boys and girls are having fun writing about being turkeys. We are working on revising our work and making final drafts. After centers we had lunch and then music. After music we earned our 25 minutes in turtle time, which was cashed in for a PJ party!! The PJ party will take place this coming Monday the 18th. We had PE and then a math lesson on story problems and venn diagrams. Have a great night!
Posted by Guest  On Nov 14, 2013 at 3:23 PM 5 Comments
Today was a pretty good day!  We love to say this, but today we jumped right into Daily five.  For Daily five we finished stamping out our spelling words,  we listened to books on CDs, we met with Ms. Battaglia to read,  we read to ourselves, and we finished our Christmas Wish Lists.  We had library and computer today.  For science, three groups presented their posters on the human body.  We learned about the skeletal system,  the circulatory system, and the muscular system.  Everyone did a very nice job teaching the class about their system!  In math class, we wrote subtraction problems on our whiteboards.  We really are getting quite good at drawing math mountains and writing out the equation not only horizontally but vertically as well! See some of you tonight at conferences, but I'll see the rest of you tomorrow morning! Ask your child why we named this post "Hola! Me llamo..."
Posted by Guest  On Nov 14, 2013 at 2:29 PM 5 Comments
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