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Working on Venn Diagrams We had a good day today! We started with a thanksgiving story that taught us how and why the pilgrims came to America. Then we did a writing about what we are thankful for. After that we got together with our table groups and filled out a venn diagram about how thanksgiving is different/the same as long ago. After our writing time we finished up our centers for the week. Then we read another thanksgiving story, EEK style with a partner. After lunch we went right to free choice time in PE. Then we had social studies. We learned about democracy. We had music followed by snack break. Then we did math, math centers, RTI, and pack and stack! **Cereal Boxes please :)
Posted by Guest  On Nov 26, 2013 at 2:32 PM 5 Comments
According to the class, today and maybe this whole week is awkward!  We did NOT have a spelling test today!  We did have math centers!! At math centers, we practiced making ten groups.  We are so good at counting by 10s.  Then we had science.  In science we worked on ears, nose, and eyes.  It was SO cool to see our partner's eyes when Miss C would turn off the lights.  Ask me what happened to their pupils.  After lunch we had Phy Ed.  Today, we played glob tag.  It was a lot of fun.  Then we had different language arts centers.  We used a lot of stamps and made words and sentences.  After library, we worked on some handwriting and then Miss C had a surprise for us.  We could either have free play and Cmart or watch Frosty the Snowman.  We chose free play.  I can't wait to see you all tomorrow.   
Posted by Guest  On Nov 25, 2013 at 3:04 PM 1 Comment
Today was a SUPER day!  We had one of our best listening days ever! :) We zoomed right into reading.  This week for reading we are doing some review.  Two things that we reviewed today were -ng sound and contractions.  For music today we got invited to listen to the middle school band.  It was awesome!  They were good!  We went to PE after recess.  We played glob tag and ball tag.  It was really fun!  Science today was all about our BONES!  We built a skeleton and we looked at X-rays.  It was awesome being able to see what our bones actually look like.  Did you know that people have 206 bones? Our day ended with math and a game of hang mouse.  Math was pretty busy today because we did two things.  We took our Unit 3 math test and then we started Unit 4.  This lesson was all about counting by tens.  We learned that every ten years its a new decade!  See you tomorrow!  The week is almost half over. Can you believe it?  
Posted by Guest  On Nov 25, 2013 at 2:40 PM 2 Comments
Today was a fast day. We will be doing review lessons in language arts. We did a turkey writing during center time as well as continued to work with friendly letters. Today they got to choose anyone to write too. After centers we did Art. We made Thanksgiving placemats. Then we went to lunch. After lunch we did social studies. We are learning about the government. We talked about citizens, laws, and local/state/national governments. We went to PE followed by library. Then we did a math lesson. We are learning about story problems with too little or too much information. We ended the day with math centers and RTI. *Cereal boxes please! :)
Posted by Guest  On Nov 25, 2013 at 2:12 PM 5 Comments
We had a pretty good day!  Today we zoomed right into reading.  Before daily five we worked on contractions.  We practiced contractions using the word will.  We got to be word doctors today and cut apart some words.  We made contractions.  If my words were we and will, it became we'll.  For the apostrophe we used band aids!  Daily five was continuing to work on dialogue and our spelling and high frequency words.  We had library and computer.  In computer, we are working on little bird tale stories about winter!  Science today was learning all about our lungs!  We need our lungs to BREATHE!  We saw pictures of what a healthy lung looks like and what a smoker's lung looked like.  If we don't take care of our lungs they could turn black. We don't want black lungs! They didn't look good.  Our day ended with math.  Math was working more with addition and subtraction story problems.  It was very easy for us today to find the answer to the story, but it was a little tricky for some of us when we wrote out the equation.  We need to remember that our answer to the story problem needs to MATCH the answer in our equation! See you tomorrow!  Don't forget to wear your anti-bully shirts for bully free Friday!  
Posted by Guest  On Nov 21, 2013 at 2:30 PM 6 Comments
This morning we came to class and we were AMAZED by Elijah's picture board that he made.  We had to talk about it right away because it was so cool.  Then we had problems with our projector so we couldn't do the morning calendar.  Then we took our practice test on chapter three in math.  We did very well with it.  We are taking it home tonight to just look over for tomorrows real test.  After math, we had science where we talked about the digestive system.  We added a stomach, small intestines, and large intestines to our body.  They are looking really cool!  After lunch, we read Teeny Tiny.  It was about a teeny tiny woman who took a teeny tiny walk to a teeny tiny gate and went into a teeny tiny churchyard and found a teeny tiny bone.  Next, we became word surgeons.  Today we made contractions with the word will.  She'll, They'll, We'll.  Finally we ended our day with the Daily five.  I can't wait to see you all tomorrow. 
Posted by Guest  On Nov 21, 2013 at 2:02 PM 1 Comment
Today we started with working on unfinished work. Then we did our language arts review followed by a theme spelling test. After that we did our last theme assessment, this one on phonics and spelling. We finished up centers and went to lunch. After lunch we headed right to music. We are having fun preparing for the holiday concert. Then we had a mini lesson on writing Friendly Letters. We choose anyone we wanted to write to. We went to PE and then had a break for snack. We enjoy catching up on unfinished work, reading to self, or reading to someone while we chow down. After snack we did math followed by RTI. **Bully tee shirts tomorrow!
Posted by Guest  On Nov 21, 2013 at 1:43 PM 5 Comments
We had a good day today continuing to review our theme 2 unit. We had new centers where we worked on a paper using our senses about Thanksgiving Dinner. We also practiced our sight words pyramid style. After lunch we did a math lesson on using a table to solve story problems. We worked with small groups to solve story problems and practice our math/teacher talk. Then we did a review lesson on traditions/immigrants/cultures for social studies. After computer we enjoyed birthday cupcakes during snack. Below is the evidence of the level of enjoyment: Luckily we ended the day with PE! ;) **Bully tee shirts on Friday!
Posted by Guest  On Nov 20, 2013 at 2:32 PM 6 Comments
It was a nice day!  This morning we had daily five. At the word work center we did something a little bit different.  We had three choices.  We could rainbow write our spelling words,  write them on the ipad, or we could play a spelling game on the SmartBoard.  It was awesome being able to play on the SmartBoard and the ipad. During the writing center, we played two games.  One was finding how a sentence ended. You had to pick either a question mark, a period, or an exclamation point!  The other game was finding the contraction when you put two words together.  When the games were over, we worked more on our dialogue pictures.  We went to music and library this afternoon.  For math, we played an addition and subtraction game.  We got to play by ourselves and then with a partner.  The three different sets of cards were red, yellow, and orange.  Our day ended with us working more on plot (beginning, middle, and end). See all of your beautiful faces tomorrow! 
Posted by Guest  On Nov 20, 2013 at 2:28 PM 7 Comments
This morning when we came into class we took a quick quiz.  We all did amazing!! Then, we started math.  Math was a little different today.  At first, we started with making patterns.  Some of us had to make ABCD patterns and other challenging patterns.  Then we looked at patterns that grow by 10's and 5's.  After that, we worked on a story problem together.  In science we worked on the nervous system.  We added a brain to our human body.  They are all looking really good.  After lunch, we read Elijah's Cruious George book.  It was so good!  Ask your child what George dreamt about.  Then, we had a secret reader when we read the story Soccer Song.  Ethan earned everyone 5 cents and himself 10.  Way to go Ethan!  Next, we worked on our packet where we practiced comprehension and our ng ending.  Finally, after phy ed we had the Daily five.  I can't wait to see you all tomorrow!
Posted by Guest  On Nov 20, 2013 at 1:56 PM 1 Comment
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