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We had a good day today! We started off with unfinished work at our seats. Then we did a spelling word activity before moving into our Lesson 27 work on the smartboard. We talked about antonyms and did an activity that helped us brainstorm many different antonyms we encounter. We then started new Daily 5 Centers! After indoor recess we did stamina building. We broke our record! We are now at 32 minutes. We did a math lesson where we were making smoothies, adding ingredients and coming up with how much we owed the smoothie maker. We ended the day with computer and PE! REMINDERS: PJ DAY this Friday, May 2nd!  
Posted by Guest  On Apr 30, 2014 at 2:42 PM 568 Comments
Today we had a busy morning! We started by meeting on the carpet and sharing something we are excited about for the week. Then we did calendar followed by our daily math warmup. We are now incorporating our two and three digit subtraction into our routine! The boys and girls are doing great working on the two strategies we have learned. After our math warm-up, we got started on Language Arts. We grabbed our white boards and worked with irregular verbs. Then we did some spelling practice, coming up with different actions to do for each word we were spelling. We then settled into our robust vocabulary. The students have been doing a fabulous job using these big words in sentences and applying them to their everyday lives. They still love finding them in their books and earning a glitter ball! :) After our lesson, we finished up our Daily 5 centers from yesterday. The focus on the meet-with-teacher center was to introduce the components of a biography. After lunch we had PE and Music. Then we did a science lesson on seasons. We talked about characteristics of each of our 4 seasons. The then journaled about our learning.  We wrapped up our Tuesday with a math review lesson on subtraction. This time, we pretended we were shopping, buying different items and seeing how much money we had left over.  Great day! 
Posted by Guest  On Apr 29, 2014 at 8:00 PM 115 Comments
We had a pretty good day today!  In reading this week we are working on the "ow" sound with the spelling pattern -ou and -ow.  We read a storytown story called "Ebb and Flo and the Baby Seal".  When we were done reading it we wrote a book review.  In this review we told what happened and if we liked the book or not.  Our specialists today were music and PE.  In math, we practiced a bunch of category story problems.  Each time we practice these we get better and better.  We will continue working on these type of story problems this week.  Our day ended with groups!  I will see your smiling faces tomorrow!  I hope the weather gets better!
Posted by Guest  On Apr 29, 2014 at 2:31 PM 235 Comments
We started Lesson 27 today in language arts. We took a spelling pre-test and did center work in the morning. In the afternoon we had a busy day of PE, Library, math, and unfinished work to wrap up the day! Try not to blow away!!
Posted by Guest  On Apr 28, 2014 at 3:24 PM 129 Comments
Today was a great day and this week has been BUSY, but awesome!  We have been working really in hard in school and not looking outside at the CRAZY weather.  I think we have all felt some type of frustration with the weather this week.  ICK!  Today was a very exciting day!  We had two friends that joined us this afternoon.  Megan and Kate!  They came to talk to us about bullying.  Unfortunately, they were both bullied all through middle school and high school due to things they could not help.  Both of our friends are in wheel chairs and have cerebral palsy.  We had so many questions for them.  Some of us were really nervous about meeting them and some of us even said that they had never met someone in a wheel chair before.  After we talked with them and asked questions we all found that they are just like us!  Layla said it perfect, " They may be different on the outside, but they have a heart just like us."  :) It was so sweet.  Today was one of the specialist days of the year.  Each and every student was very respectful and learned so much!  What a beautiful day!  I can't wait to see you all on Monday! 
Posted by Guest  On Apr 25, 2014 at 3:26 PM 504 Comments
Its been such a busy week! Today we tested for language arts lesson 26. Then we did our Daily 5 Centers followed by lunch and Music.  In Science we are starting our chapter on Weather. They made a journal entry about what they know about weather. What is wind? What is snow? Or like today...why is it raining and snowing?? We had a break for snack followed by a math lesson on subtracting from 200. We also talked about subtracting with a zero involved. They are doing great!  UPDATE TO SCHOOL DAYS: We will have a full day on Friday June 6th and Monday June 9th with kids. 
Posted by Guest  On Apr 24, 2014 at 1:00 PM 15 Comments
Today was a super duper day!   In reading, we reread "Blast Off" and practiced writing a couple of sentences with verbs in the now.  Then, we had Daily 3.   For word work, we played rainbow roll -n-write.  For writing, we started making our sloppy copy of our animal report.  The last center, we filled out a sheet on the characters, the setting, and the plot of "Blast Off".  In art, we did scratch art.  We took a Popsicle stick and drew something from the story "Blast Off".  This afternoon we had music and library.  In math, we worked on story problems.  We practiced solving stories that had an unknown partner and sometimes an unknown total.  We will keep working on these!  See your smiley faces tomorrow!  
Posted by Guest  On Apr 23, 2014 at 2:37 PM 6 Comments
Hi! I apologize for the absent blog-busy week with track meets and appointments! We are working on Lesson 26 of language arts. We are reading a fun story called "Where on Earth is my Bagel!" In math we are working on some difficult two digit and three digit subtraction problems. They did wonderful this morning! We have a flip flopped day due to the PM sub. They will be working on daily 5 centers this afternoon!
Posted by Guest  On Apr 23, 2014 at 10:32 AM 7 Comments
Happy Earth Day!  For reading we read the story "Blast Off".  It was about two kid bears who were playing on a rocket ship in the park.  They took an imaginary adventure to a green planet.  They met a little creature and learned the words "Bleeble" and "Zight Zop" meaning hello and good-bye.  We had PE this morning.  We earned a free game day because we had the  most participants in Jump Rope for Heart! Way to go!! This afternoon we had music.  We have been working really hard and practicing our spring program songs.  Since it is Earth Day we learned ten ways to keep our world a better place.  We also listened to the song "What a Wonderful World" and painted a picture to go along with the song.  In math we took our chapter 8 math test.  I am eager to see how we did.  I sure hope we did awesome!  Our day ended with groups.  I hope you all have a good day!  Zight Zop :)
Posted by Guest  On Apr 22, 2014 at 2:26 PM 7 Comments
Hi, it was a good day!  In reading, we read the story "Night Flight".  It was about two bunnies that tried to fly.  They were unsuccessful!  We are working on the long i sound this week with spelling patterns of igh, ie, and y.  This is tricky!  For grammar this week we will be working on verbs that talk about NOW!  We had music and PE for specialists today.  For science, we looked at our caterpillars, our milkweed bugs, and our plants.  The caterpillars looked a lot bigger and they had made webs.  Our milkweed bugs had molted which means they shed their skin.  The molts for the milkweed bugs look like tiny spiders.  We also watched a brainpop video on insects.  Math was working as a whole class on our math pre-test.  I think we are ready for the real test tomorrow! Our day ended with some handwriting and groups! Have a good night! 
Posted by Guest  On Apr 21, 2014 at 2:18 PM 7 Comments
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