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We got to come to school two hours late today!  Our morning cruised right along.  We were only in our classroom for thirty minutes before it was lunchtime!  After lunch we had music and PE.  For math today we worked more on making a ten.  We learned that in an equation we need to write the bigger number down and draw circles for the smaller number. (9 + 5.....write down the 9 and draw 5 circles....make a new ten!)  Our day ended with reading.  We read the story "Land of Ice", we worked more on the "or/ore" sound,  and we practiced asking the teacher some interview questions about her job.  We are getting quite good at this.  Have a great night!  Enjoy the snow and drive safely!
Posted by Guest  On Dec 03, 2013 at 3:05 PM 2 Comments
After we got to sleep in a bit, we came to school and read a book about snowmen that work.  Yesterday, we read a book about snowmen at night.  There were a lot of similarities and differences.  Then, we worked on our handwriting and the letter r.  All of our handwriting is getting much better.  After that is was already lunch!  We were barely in the classroom before we had to leave!  After recess, we read our new decodable book.  Look for it in our backpack tonight.  This is a story you can read and add to your minutes for your free pizza.  Then, we learned our new high frequency words!  One of them was animals, another was under, and another was fish!  Then we read a story that had them all in it.  It was a nonfiction story about land with a lot of ice.  Next, we had library.  After library we had math centers.  Joelle show and tell was extra special today.  She brought in her mom's baby Mrs. Claus.  It was so cute.  I can't wait to see you all tomorrow....or maybe the next day. 
Posted by Guest  On Dec 03, 2013 at 3:01 PM 1 Comment
Today was a quick day! At 10:15 we worked on a santa creative writing until lunch at 10:45. After recess we went to PE and then continued our writing for 30 minutes until music. Next we did a quick math game before language arts center time. We finished the day with 10 minutes to catch up on unfinished work. *Book orders are coming home today. They are due December 10th--in time for Christmas! :) *Spirit of Giving canned goods and cereal boxes are wanted :) *Hope you are staying dry in this abundant amount of snow!
Posted by Guest  On Dec 03, 2013 at 2:47 PM 5 Comments
Today was a good day getting back into our routine after the long weekend. We started lesson 11 of language arts. We learned the robust words fellow, executive, filthy, and kin. We also took a pre-spelling test. For center work we wrote a friendly letter to our star student, listened to reading and took notes during the story, as well as writing our vocabulary words in a sentence. We stamina built for 29 minutes! Woohoo! After lunch we did a social studies lesson on government. We talked about the branches of government and what they do. Then we had PE followed by library. We took a snack break then got into math. In math we reviewed doubles plus one and doubles minus one. Then we worked to create and solve story problems. We talked about story problems with collection of information, comparison story problems, and hidden information problems. We also worked with two-step story problems. This last one is quite tricky for us. We ended the day with a santa writing activity that will lead into a fun craft! Stamina Building **Remember spirit of giving--canned foods for our class *Cereal boxes when you go through them! Thank you!! :)
Posted by Guest  On Dec 02, 2013 at 2:36 PM 14 Comments
Today we had a good day with a lot of people moving up on our behavior chart!  :)  For reading this week we are working on the (or, ore) sound, we are working on special names, and interview questions.  Today we came up with a few questions that we would like to ask Santa.  We read "Sid Scores". It was about a polar bear who was really good at sports.  We had music and PE.  Math today was working on making a new ten.  We used pictures of circles and triangles to help us find a new equation.  Our day ended with science.  We learned about our eyes and ears.  We learned that our ear drum vibrates when we hear something.  We learned that the colored part of our eye is called the iris.  We all have special irises. Also, we were able to feel some braille writing.  People who are blind use these bumps to read. See your happy faces tomorrow!
Posted by Guest  On Dec 02, 2013 at 2:32 PM 2 Comments
Today was very exciting when we arrived to class.  In our room we had new spots, a Christmas tree, December books, and Christmas decorations.  It was also very snowy outside.  Good thing we wore our snow pants and boots and mittens.  Since, we didn't have a movie this weekend, Miss C. taught us the traditional way in math.  We learned about grouping numbers to make a ten.  This makes our adding a little bit faster.  The movie tonight will help  you practice it some more.  In science we started our book that we are going to read to a kindergartener.  This book is about being healthy.  Don't forget to send back your slip on if you can contribute to our healthy celebration on Friday.  After lunch, we read a book about snowmen since it is so snowy outside.   Then we learned about our new sound.  It is OR!!  After that we read the story Sid Scores.  After library we had snack and then had interviews in class.  Ethan was Santa.  Briar was interviewing to be a teacher.  Ceci was interviewing to play for the MN Wild.  Joelle was interviewing to work at the Animal Shelter.  It was a lot of fun.  Finally, we ended with centers.  I can't wait to see you all tomorrow. 
Posted by Guest  On Dec 02, 2013 at 2:31 PM 1 Comment
When we got here today, we had math.  In math, we practiced writing teen numbers using sticks and circles.  If we made the number 17 with sticks and circles there would be one stick and 7 circles.  Then, we went down to the gym and we had our turkey trot.  It was a lot of fun and a lot of work!  Ethan and Bryce were some stand out distance runners.  The rest of us were great sprinters!  Miss C even ran with us.  After that, we worked on our November writing.  Ask your child what they wrote about.  Finally, we ended our day with some cleaning!  It was a great day.  Just an FYI there is NO movie this weekend.  Enjoy the time with your family.  Have a great Thanksgiving and I can't wait to see you all on Monday. 
Posted by Guest  On Nov 27, 2013 at 12:00 PM 1 Comment
We had a fast and fun morning! We finished up our odds and ends and then did a math lesson on doubles plus one and doubles minus one.  After math we did a Thanksgiving reader's theater. Then we went down to the gyms/hallways and did the annual turkey trout! The boys and girls enjoyed running around the school for 20 minutes. We came back and did a little work before watching more of "Gnomeo & Juliet." Lunch, a bit more of the movie, and home! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving! Readers Theater Turkey Trout!
Posted by Guest  On Nov 27, 2013 at 10:49 AM 5 Comments
Today was a fabulous day. We started with a game in math.  Miss C. would give a teen number and each team would have to draw it in circles and then also show it with the tens stick and ones.  Every one tied with 8 points at the end! What a great game!  Then we learned about germs and skin.  Miss C had a bunch of GERMS on her hands and then she touched different objects in the room and shook hands with different kids.  We saw how the germs spread.  Ask your child what the 'germs' were.  After lunch, we learned about taking care of our teeth.  Make sure you brush tonight!  Then, we went to the theater with the rest of the first grade and watched Charlie Brown's Thanksgiving.  After, we had our own Thanksgiving feast.  It was delicious.  I can't wait to see you all tomorrow!
Posted by Guest  On Nov 26, 2013 at 3:02 PM 1 Comment
Today was a SPECIAL day!  It was special because we had a Thanksgiving feast.  We got to go to the theater and watch Charlie Brown's Thanksgiving.  Then, we went to the cafeteria to eat popcorn, jelly beans, toast, pretzels, and apple juice just like Charlie Brown!  We loved it!!  It was A BLAST!  This morning for math we worked on teen numbers.  We all know that in every teen number there is one ten! For reading we reviewed nouns.  Nouns are people, places, things, and animals.  Have a great night.  See you bright and shiny for a half day tomorrow!
Posted by Guest  On Nov 26, 2013 at 3:01 PM 2 Comments
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