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Working on a holiday project Practice unit math test-real test to follow tomorrow We had a busy Wednesday. We started with all new language arts centers. They did a boggle center where they were given 11 letters and they had to come up with words with those letters. They practiced writing their spelling words 3 times each in preparation for their spelling test tomorrow. They also worked on read to self as well as a meet with teacher center. We did part 1 of their weekly language arts tests before listening to a city council women, Laura Wilkins, speak to us to conclude our government unit. We had indoor recess where we began working on a holiday project. Then we did math centers, had computer, snack, PE, and home!
Posted by Guest  On Dec 11, 2013 at 1:41 PM 5 Comments
Readers Theater Read to Someone Work on Writing "Favorite Winter Activities" We had another good day today. We reviewed all our robust words thus far learned, as well as our sight words. We worked on abbreviations and learned the ones for days of the week and months. We read "The Mitten" on the smartboard and then did a graphic organizer about the setting, characters, and favorite part. After center time we had inside recess where we watched "A Bug's Life." Then we went to PE followed by 20 minutes to get unfinished work done. If unfinished work was done, they could work on coloring a picture for elderly people in the nursing home. We went to music, had snack, then started math. There we reviewed in preparation for our unit test at the end of the week. We also played  a favorite math game, "I have, who has?" *Thank you for the hangers!! Much appreciated. I believe we have enough now :)
Posted by Guest  On Dec 10, 2013 at 2:39 PM 5 Comments
It was a fun math day!  This morning we zoomed right into reading.  In reading we read "Snowmen All Year" and continued working on comparing and contrasting.  We found special names in sentences and we fixed them by adding uppercase letters!  Then, we got into partners and each partner set got a card with a job on it.  We had to pretend like we were interviewing that person and ask him/her questions.  Ask your child what job card he/she had.  Music and PE were this afternoon.  In science we worked a little more on our eyes and ears and then we watched the brainpop video on Helen Keller.  She was a girl who was blind and deaf.  Our day ended with math!  It was a fun math time!  We played a game called "100 Ants" on our math boards and we also played a math card game.  We had to put the cards in four different piles (6, 7, 8, 9).  I hope to see your super smiley faces tomorrow.  Dress warm, it's going to be very cold tomorrow. BRRRRRRR!!!
Posted by Guest  On Dec 10, 2013 at 2:32 PM 2 Comments
Today was a great day!  It was nice to be back to normal.  Miss C. was here and ready to go!  We started with math.  In math we played a fun game called 100 ants.  We would draw a card and add it to our total until we got to 100.  Noelle pulled the card that got us to the total 100.  There will be a movie tonight!  Look for movie 4.10.  Next, we had social studies.  We learned about being a good citizen.  There are rules out in our communities that are called laws.  Some of these laws are no speeding, no stealing.  These laws are made to help keep us safe.  After lunch, we reviewed our sound OR.  You should have heard the expression while kids were reading Sid's Score.  WOW!! It was amazing!  Then we had library.  After library we compared Mrs. Knutson and Miss Viola Swamp.  There are some similarities but many differences!!!  Then we practiced our comprehension in small groups.  Finally we ended our day writing a story about whatever we want.  Today, it was amazing to see how many kids got on Oscar.   Nolan was on Oscar within the first ten minutes of class!!  Wow!! I can't wait to see you all tomorrow!
Posted by Guest  On Dec 10, 2013 at 2:27 PM 1 Comment
Today we had a FUN day!  This morning we had reading.  We are still working on lesson eleven.  At our groups, we played a game with writing or/ore words on a whiteboard.  We read "Snowmen at Work".  Then, we compared and contrasted them to the other Snowmen books we have already read. We had music and PE.  Our holiday concert is on Monday, December 16th!  We are SO ready to sing you our songs!!  Math today was working with the number path that is on our math boards.  We represented numbers on the number path and we even added two numbers together on our number path.  Our day ended with our healthy CELEBRATION!  We had Mrs. Boese's kindergarten class come in to our classroom.  We ate lots of healthy food and we read them our books that we made on ways to stay healthy!!  Have a great night.  See you all tomorrow!
Posted by Guest  On Dec 09, 2013 at 2:31 PM 2 Comments
This week we are doing a recap of lesson 11, as we missed so much school last week! We did a review of new sight words. We worked on word endings and brainstormed words that end in -each, -unch, etc. Then we did center work where we wrote a letter to Santa, wrote about favorite winter activities, met with teacher, read to self, and read to someone. It was a productive center day. After lunch we finished our government social studies unit. We had a few minutes to work on unfinished (or play spot it or headbanz) before going to PE followed immediately by library. We took a break for snack and title, then did a math lesson. We are almost done with this unit! Test to come soon. Needed: Metal hangers--any size but the little ones are better. Currently we have zero so any are appreciated! :) :) Book orders due tomorrow! Cereal Boxes please Spirit of giving items ...thank you so much for all you do! Memory sight word game during meet with teacher
Posted by Guest  On Dec 09, 2013 at 2:21 PM 5 Comments
Today was a good day getting back  into the swing of things! We started with some sharing of what we've been up to over our snow days. Then we did language arts--we will continue with lesson 11 into next week with our testing and spelling tests next Thursday. After lunch we had inside recess. We watched "The Mouse and the Motorcycle." Then we went to music followed by math. We are working with story problems. After math we had title/snack time. We worked on finishing up odds and ends. Then we went to computer. After computer we did a writing exercise and unfinished work. *Reminders* -spirit of giving canned foods -cereal boxes whenever you finish them -book orders due Tuesday so we can get them by Christmas! ---Monday, December 16 at 6:30 pm Holiday Concert! Have fun and safe weekends!
Posted by Guest  On Dec 06, 2013 at 3:09 PM 7 Comments
Today we had a cool day!  It seems strange being back in school after having a late start and two days off!  This morning, we read story "Snowmen at Christmas" and worked on our books for how to stay healthy!  The books were long, but filled with good tips for the kindergarteners on how they can keep their bodies healthy. We can't wait to share them on Monday!  Right before lunch, we worked on mosaic trees, stars, and angels.  These will be displayed in the hallway! Math today was working with sticks and circles.  We did two math lessons today.  We are doing great at counting with sticks and circles and with drawing sticks and circles to represent a number.  Have a wonderful weekend.  Stay WARM!  See you on Monday.  Don't forget to bring healthy foods for our celebration! 
Posted by Guest  On Dec 06, 2013 at 2:50 PM 2 Comments
I hope everyone has had a cozy couple of days!  Here in Duluth, it is ugly!  I just wanted to let everyone know about tomorrow.  I am pretty sure we will be at school once again! We are going to be re- teaching this week's lesson next week for language arts.  Therefore, there will be NO SPELLING TEST TOMORROW!  The spelling test will be next Friday, December 13th!  This way we have more time in class to practice the "or/ore" sound!  Also, our Healthy Celebration is going to have to wait and be on MONDAY, DECEMBER 9th!  We have not been able to start/finish our books on how to stay healthy yet and I don't want them to be rushed.  If you were planning on bringing in food tomorrow, just wait until Monday please!   Thank you everyone!!  Get outside and enjoy the snow! I can't wait to see you all tomorrow!! P.S. with no school tonight, that means the concert for tonight is postponed. 
Posted by Guest  On Dec 05, 2013 at 8:56 AM 2 Comments
I hope everyone has had a comfy/cozy couple of days!  Here in Duluth, it is ugly!  I have had to dig my jeep out twice and now there is a car stuck in front of it.  :/  The joys of Minnesota!  I just wanted to let everyone know about tomorrow.  I am pretty sure we will be at school once again! We are going to be re- teaching this weeks lessons next week in language arts.  Therefore there is NO SPELLING TEST TOMORROW!  It will be the spelling test next Friday, December 13th!  This way we have more time in class to practice the -or sound!  Also, our Healthy Celebration is going to have to wait and be on MONDAY, DECEMBER 9th!  The kids have not been able to finish their books yet and I don't want them to be rushed with them.  So if you were planning on bringing in food, just wait until Monday!   Thank you everyone!!  Since I can't make a movie for math.....your homework.... get outside and enjoy why we live in Minnesota!! I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE YOU ALL TOMORROW!!!!
Posted by Guest  On Dec 05, 2013 at 8:18 AM 1 Comment
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