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Today we had a GREAT day!  We had reading this morning.  We are learning about the "sh" sound. We went up on the SmartBoard and corrected names of special places.  As a class and with a partner we read "Fox and His Big Wish". We also started our Theme 3 test.  For social studies today we looked at some pictures of Presidents! We learned that there are many types of governments.  Esko has one, Minnesota has one, and even the United States of America has one.  The leaders of these places are the mayor, the governor, and the President.  We did a wonderful job at our dress rehearsal this afternoon.  Tonight is the big concert.  Be here no earlier than 6:00.  We will be meeting in Miss C.'s classroom because I have a basketball game.  I expect a great report and I hope you all sing beautifully tonight and have tons of fun!  I can't wait to hear all about it tomorrow!     
Posted by Guest  On Dec 16, 2013 at 2:31 PM 2 Comments
Happy Monday! We started lesson 12 in language arts which works with the long /e/ vowel spellined 'e' and 'ey.' We took a spelling pre test and then reviewed author's purpose. We did our new daily 5 centers for the week before heading OUTSIDE :) for recess. After lunch we had 'PE,' but in the music room as they are set up for the program. Then we came back and did a little math review before heading to practice for the program. They did a wonderful job!! We ended the day finishing up our math and other odds and ends. Reminders: Early Out on Friday
Posted by Guest  On Dec 16, 2013 at 2:26 PM 5 Comments
Today was a great day back!  This morning was a lot of fun!  We started with math centers.  We are practicing making new groups of ten!  Then we had art where we made our own Christmas tree.  We also took our spelling pretest!  Don't forget to practice the 'sh' sound this week!  After lunch, we cleaned up our art and headed down to our dress rehearsal of the Christmas Concert!  After that we learned about the sh sound some more.  TONIGHT:  There will be NO MOVIE tonight for math since it is a busy night for everyone!  Also, please have your child in our classroom between 6:00 - 6:15 tonight.  You will pick them up in the classroom after the grand finale!  I can't wait to see you all tonight!
Posted by Guest  On Dec 16, 2013 at 1:33 PM 1 Comment
Today was such a great day!  The kids have been pretty excited for Christmas, so it has been kind of hard to focus, but today they were ready to learn!  We started our day learning about American heroes!  One that we dug deep into was Martin Luther King Jr.  We will be learning more about him in February.  Then, we had math.  Since we spent extra time on Martin Luther King Jr., math was a little bit shorter.  It's amazing to see how far they have come in math this year!!  Keep up the hard work.  At lunch, we were inside again, so we watched Charlie Brown's Christmas, one of my favorites!  Then we had third grade buddies!  We love our buds.  Next, we took our spelling test.  Max and Isaac were our Sparkle champs!  Then we spent the rest of the day working on a surprise and shopping at Cmart.  What a great day with a bunch of great kiddos.  I can't wait to see you all on Monday!
Posted by Guest  On Dec 13, 2013 at 2:56 PM 1 Comment
Busy Friday! We finished our Language Arts lesson 11. We did Fun Friday centers where the boys and girls worked on writing a letter to either Santa, Reindeer, or Elves; they drew an object from a purse and had to create a story from it; they played sight word Jenga; they played spot it; and they read with a friend. After lunch we had PE followed by an introduction to Unit 4 in Math. We reviewed squares, rectangles, and triangles. The vocab obtuse, acute, equilateral, and scalene, were introduced. Then we worked on math centers. The boys and girls learned a new 'battleship' like game where you give number clues to narrow down your marked space. We went to computer, cashed in 18 minutes of turtle time, and packed and stacked! *Please send cereal boxes when you can! Ours are getting quite rickety! :) *Friday, Dec. 20-Early Out!
Posted by Guest  On Dec 13, 2013 at 2:37 PM 5 Comments
Today was a bit of a mixed up day for us. We started with a little time to catch up on unfinished and work on our holiday wreaths. Then Mr. Harker came in and watched our math lesson. We were reviewing story problems, math mountains, and equation chains. For math centers we have started a new format that goes as follows: M math facts A a flashback T teacher time H hands on We learned a fun mystery card addition game, played a parachute review game, did our triangle math mountain flash cards, and played a fun "Head Full of Numbers" game. After math we had lunch and music. Then we took our Unit 3 math exam followed by PE. We took a break for snack, then did our language arts in the afternoon! Good day! Parachute Drop Head Full of Numbers game *If you happen to have extra fabric at home and would be willing to cut it and send it, we are running short. If not, no worries!
Posted by Guest  On Dec 12, 2013 at 3:22 PM 69 Comments
Today was a great day!  We started with math centers.  The centers were 100 ants, card games, working with Miss C., writing tens and ones with a partner, and reading math books or doing flash cards.  Then, in social studies we learned about American symbols.  Some of the symbols we learned about were The Statue of Liberty, and the eagle.  Ask your child if they know anymore.  Then, after lunch we learned about compound words.  Snowman, brickyard, snowflake, something, anthill, backpack, sandbox.  Then we ended our day with the Daily Five.  I can't wait to see you all tomorrow!
Posted by Guest  On Dec 12, 2013 at 3:06 PM 1 Comment
Today was a GREAT day!  Everyone moved UP on our chart!!  We went into math right away this morning.  Mr. Harker came in to see how good we have been!  We did great!  We worked on adding ones, tens, and both.  We also had stations for math.  In library this morning we watched a little movie about recycling.  If we don't have recycling it is a bigger mess!  This afternoon we had computer.  We are still working on our little bird tale stories.   We had Daily 5 after computer.  One of our centers was a little bit special today.  We started our presents for our parents....SHHH we can't tell you what we are making! It's a surprise!  In social studies we started a new unit.  We learned all about laws in our community!  I hope you all have a good night.  See you all on FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by Guest  On Dec 12, 2013 at 2:31 PM 2 Comments
It is so nice to not have a bunch of snow days and late starts.  We are so good when it comes to our routine.  Today was a lot of fun with math centers.  Then we learned about different leaders.  Ask your child if they know if the Queen of England was voted in?  This afternoon we read Miss C's very book from when she was little.  Ask your child about it.  Then we wrote letters to Santa.  I hope he writes back.  We ended our day with the Daily Five.  I can't wait to see you all tomorrow. 
Posted by Guest  On Dec 11, 2013 at 3:04 PM 1 Comment
We had a good day!  Today we had Daily 5. We did something a little different. At the writing center, we pretended we were interviewing Santa.  We read some of our StoryTown stories at read to someone.  At the word work center, we played hang mouse at the smart board and we wrote down our spelling words into a chart.  We had music and library.  For science we worked on our body parts and added labels.  Math was working on adding either ones or tens.  We are getting good at showing numbers with sticks and circles.  It is still a bit tricky for us when we have to write the word names. See you Thursday!
Posted by Guest  On Dec 11, 2013 at 2:35 PM 2 Comments
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