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We had a fun day today finishing up odds and ends, working on a reindeer craft, taking a math test, watching How the Grinch Stole Christmas, and listening to a special guest (Ryan) read a book  :) Merry Christmas! See you in 2014!
Posted by Guest  On Dec 20, 2013 at 11:54 AM 6 Comments
Today we had the BEST day!!  This morning we read our decodeable reader "Nat's Fish Shack". We finished watching the Polar Express.  Then, we got to play musical presents!  Everyone got one awesome present to take home with them! This was a lot of fun! I hope you all have a wonderful holiday break!  Travel safe and have lots of fun!  Merry Christmas to all!  See you all next year!!!!!
Posted by Guest  On Dec 20, 2013 at 11:49 AM 2 Comments
Today was a great day with The Polar Express, dice game, and reading Christmas stories!  Have a wonderful break every one!  Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Posted by Guest  On Dec 20, 2013 at 11:38 AM 1 Comment
Playing "What's on my Back?" We wrapped up lots of odds and ends today. We took our lesson 12 spelling test along with a comprehension, vocabulary, and robust vocabulary test. Then we went to lunch followed by music. The children were excited to learn some sign language in music. We listened to the read aloud "Runaway Ralph," before we played "What's on my Back," number style. Then we went to PE followed by Star testing. The boys and girls will soon have a new level for reading. We did math and RTI to finish up our day!
Posted by Guest  On Dec 19, 2013 at 3:01 PM 5 Comments
Today was about as 'routine' as we could make it.  It helps a lot when we stick to our routine, but we make sure to have fun and enjoy the excitement of Christmas!  We started our day with reviewing for the chapter four math test tomorrow.  I can tell that most of us are ready to take the test tomorrow!  I can't wait to see how they do!  Then, had our December writing.  We had to write a story about Santa.  Some of us wrote about Santa driving a race car.  Some of us wrote about Santa having a sleepover.  They turned out great!  After lunch, we reviewed our high frequency words and Aleah read us a wonderful story about feelings!  She did a wonderful job!  Next, we practiced some of our grammar some more.  We are learning about places names and how they must be uppercase.  Then, we worked on our vocabulary words this week.  Today we talked about greedy, regret and consequences.  Kind of 'downer' words.  Finally, we ended with part of our theme test and free game day!  I can't wait to see you all tomorrow!
Posted by Guest  On Dec 18, 2013 at 2:56 PM 1 Comment
It was a good day!  Today we had Daily 5.  At Daily 5 we did read to someone.  We read the story "King Midas and His Gold" to each other.  We wrote a riddle at the writing center and we worked on our spelling words and played Hang Mouse at the word work center.  In social studies we learned about citizens and heroes.  Did you know that Martin Luther King Jr.  fought for whites and African Americans to be treated equally?  We had music and library check out today.  Math was our practice test.  I think we are ready for the real test tomorrow!  Can't wait to see you in the morning! 
Posted by Guest  On Dec 18, 2013 at 2:50 PM 16 Comments
Today was another busy day as we prepare for the holiday break. We started off with language arts where we focused on Author's Purpose. We narrowed in on an author's purpose to Inform. We wrote our own informative papers on a topic of choice. Then we learned how to peer review. First we proof read our own writing, then got with a partner to help us edit as well. We are not doing a final draft for this writing, just learning how to peer review. After our informative papers we reviewed our robust words. We got out our white boards and practiced our spelling words before we went into Daily 5 centers. After lunch we did math. We learned that the definition of a rectangle is a shape that has 4 sides and 4 90 degree angles. They learned that this means that a rectangle is a square, but a square is not a rectangle. We reviewed parallelograms, parallel lines, and quadrilaterals. Then we took a math quiz. Tomorrow will be our Unit 4 Exam. After math we did a EEK style read with a partner, focusing on /ey/ and /y/ endings. Then we headed to computer followed by snack, PE, and home! *Early out Friday *I will not be in school the Thurs/Fri Mon/Tues we come back from break. The boys and girls know this and are prepared to do well for their sub :) 
Posted by Guest  On Dec 18, 2013 at 1:40 PM 5 Comments
It was a super day!  We watched the kindergarteners perform their 12 Bells for Santa.  It was awesome and so cute!  When we got back to our classroom we had reading.  We read the story "King Midas and His Gold".  King Midas learned that having gold didn't make him happy like he thought it would.  After lunch we had music.  In music class, we got two special treats:  a candy cane and a Hershey kiss.  We also got to watch our concert from last night and The Nutcracker.  After PE we had math.  In math, we practiced writing equations and circling a new decade on our whiteboards.  Then, we played the Sandwich Game!  Our day ended with doing a little bit more of our parents surprise!!!!  Have a spectacular night!  See you all back here in the AM!
Posted by Guest  On Dec 17, 2013 at 2:56 PM 3 Comments
This morning was a lot of fun!  We had the privilege to go and watch the kindergarteners perform their 12 Bells for Christmas play!  They did a great job.  Our class had a lot of fun singing along with the familiar songs from last year when they performed.  After, we had a special surprise from Ceci's grandma!  It was so SWEET of her to think of us!  :) Next, we went to music.  At music we watched our performance from last night.  Then we watched a fun version of The Nutcracker.  After lunch, we worked on our 'sh' sound and started our Theme 3 test.  We just completed the comprehension portion today.  After library, we worked on our new high frequency words and then read a story about King Midas.  Finally, we ended with math.  Today was kind of a different day for math.  We learned about writing numbers with letters and then we had a quick quiz.  Finally, we ended with a number sandwich game.  Make sure to watch the math movie tonight.  It's the final one of 2013.  I can't wait to see you all tomorrow.  
Posted by Guest  On Dec 17, 2013 at 2:51 PM 1 Comment
Today we had a fun and mixed up day. We started with our morning meeting and then went to watch the kindergarten perform in their '12 Bells,' Christmas program. After that we worked on lesson 12 for language arts. We did a "I have, who has,' activity on singular possessive nouns. We also did our Daily 5 centers. After lunch we had PE followed by a math lesson on quadrilaterals and equilateral triangles. We also reviewed scalene, obtuse/acute angles, and parallelograms. We went to Music followed by time to work on unfinished work as well as make holiday stamp cards (sorry for the stained fingers :) ) Early out on Friday!
Posted by Guest  On Dec 17, 2013 at 2:39 PM 5 Comments
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