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Today was our first day of MAP testing.  This is the test that the kids take on the computer for reading and math.  There are two days of reading and two days of math.  The rest of the days we test, you will find on the Friday letter tomorrow.  The first day of reading went well.  Most of the kids really took their time and did their best work!  I was such a proud teacher!  In math, we had a fun day buying and selling items from the Woodridge Store.  We worked with our critical friends solving how much money two items would be and then figuring out the money you had to give to make that amount.  It was a lot of fun!  In language arts, we continued to work on the sound ch.  Ethan did a wonderful job reading his story to us, then we talked about what happened first, next, and last.  Finally, we worked on our sequential writing that we started yesterday.  They are looking GREAT!   I can't wait to see you all tomorrow.  Don't forget that there is a spelling test tomorrow! 
Posted by Guest  On Jan 09, 2014 at 3:44 PM 1 Comment
Today was a great busy day. We started with work in Lesson 13 of Language. We read the book "The Big Bushy Mustache" as a class, practiced our spelling words, and then did center time. After centers we went to lunch followed by music. In social studies we reviewed traditions and symbols. We talked about the presidential seal. We also went off on a little tandgent about the liberty bell and why it has a crack in it. We had PE followed by snack and then part 1 of MAP testing. This test was on phonics. We ended the day with some birthday cupcakes and unfinished work.
Posted by Guest  On Jan 09, 2014 at 2:45 PM 5 Comments
Today was a good day!  For reading, we read a story called "A Butterfly Grows".  This story was about a caterpillar turning into a beautiful butterfly.  We fixed the months of the year and the days of the week so that they were written correctly.  We learned about the -es ending of words too!  We had library and computer.  In math today we went shopping!  We bought two items.  We had to show our answer with dimes, nickels, and pennies.  The last thing we did today was worked on our very own sequencing story!  See your smiling, cold faces tomorrow!
Posted by Guest  On Jan 09, 2014 at 2:10 PM 2 Comments
Today was a crazy day back!  We are going to have our spelling test on Friday so we got right to work on everything!  Our morning was consumed by two math lessons.  The first part of our math was grouping things in tens.  The kids loved working in teams, grouping things together.  Next, we worked on adding two numbers together and making a group of ten to make it easier.  Watch the movie tonight to see a 'how-to' on what we did.  After lunch, we got started right away on our new sound this week 'CH'!  We had fun sounding ch words out and listening for the sound in different words.  Then we read a story that had a lot of ch words in it!  You should hear some of the kids read and their expression!  WOW!   After phy ed we worked on vocabulary and grammar!  Grammar is easy this week.  All we have to know is capital letters on names of the days and months.  :)  Thanks to our daily message that we correct, we already knew this!  Finally, we ended by starting a story that we are going to write tomorrow.  It has to be in sequential order, which means the words first, next, and last.  Today the kids just drew the pictures of what is happening.  Tomorrow, they will start writing.  What a crazy, fun, and busy day!  I can't wait to see you all tomorrow!
Posted by Guest  On Jan 08, 2014 at 3:33 PM 1 Comment
We're finally back in school! We had a great day!  In reading we worked on the "ch" sound.  We built "ch" and "tch" words on the smartboard.  We read two stories today: "Rich Gets Big" and "Ranch Pals".  We are working on putting things in sequence (in order) and we also worked on writing the days of the week.  It was still too cold out for outside recess, so we stayed in.  We did two math lessons today. One before specialists and one after.  Our first lesson was grouping things by tens.  Our second lesson was working on dimes and pennies.  We used the make a ten strategy to find our answer.  Our day ended with us starting to think of our very own sequencing story!  Have a great night, stay warm!  See you all tomorrow morning :) 
Posted by Guest  On Jan 08, 2014 at 2:32 PM 2 Comments
Today was a great day! We started lesson 13 of language arts. We will work on that the rest of this week and then into next week. The testing will be done Tuesday. Centers went well and then we went to lunch followed by math. In math we are working on representing numbers to 200 in various ways. For center time we worked on this concept along with some math flash cards and math games. We had computer followed by snack and then PE. Then home! :) Great to be back! Mrs. Bouslog :) At my wedding over the holidays, one of my bridesmaids gave a speech on "How to be a Good Wife," with advice from my students! What a surprise! She framed it for me and so we took a picture to go in the other side of the frame! :)
Posted by Guest  On Jan 08, 2014 at 2:07 PM 5 Comments
Today was a lot of fun.  In math, we got to look at an abacus!  It was so cool to see groups of ten in a different way.  Then we got to work with it during centers.  One of the other centers was UNO!!!  We were so excited when we saw the centers today.  We also played a game with Miss C where we had to save up for a tent.  Then, we had phy ed.  We love going to phy ed.  After, lunch our third grade buddies cams and we read to them.  We are becoming such great readers!  Next, we worked on the food pyramid some more.  You should see some of the drawings we did.  After that, we had snack then music.  Finally we worked on a project that goes with our writing from yesterday and we ended with free play.  There will be NO SCHOOL on MONDAY due to the cold weather!  I can't wait to see you on Tuesday!!
Posted by Guest  On Jan 03, 2014 at 3:03 PM 1 Comment
The day was SUPER!  Today in reading we switched to our new StoryTown books. We are starting theme 4 next week.  We wrote about winter and what we like to do.  Then, we colored eskomos.  We had PE and Music.  After reading buddies,  we had math.  We worked more with dimes and pennies and we played the game called One Hundred Pennies.  We ended our day with some cupcakes and riddle writing. I hope everyone has an awesome weekend!  Bundle up and see you back here on Tuesday!
Posted by Guest  On Jan 03, 2014 at 2:20 PM 4 Comments
It was so nice to see every one back in school today!!  I swear, the kids grow up so much while they are gone for this short little break!   We started our day getting to know our new table buddies.  We also had a new January book at our spots.  Ask your child who some of their new table buddies are.  After that, we had the morning message and calendar.  It was kind of tricky when the year was 2014!!! We thought Miss C had made a mistake but it is actually a whole new year!!!  Then, we had math where we worked with dimes and pennies.  There are 10 pennies in one dime.  This was pretty easy for us since we are always working with money at Cmart!  Then, we watched a short movie on food groups.  Ask your  child if they've eaten something from every food group today.  After lunch, we started our book FROZEN!!!!  We have been so excited to read this since most of us have already been to the movie.  Next, we learned about fluency and some of us read to Miss C for one minute today.  The rest will go tomorrow.  At the end of the day we had the Daily five where we wrote riddles.  I can't wait to read them all tomorrow.  There is a movie under 5.2 tonight!  It's pretty short.  I can't wait to see you all tomorrow. 
Posted by Guest  On Jan 02, 2014 at 3:03 PM 1 Comment
Happy New Year!  Today was a good new start.  In reading today we read "King Midas and His Gold" and wrote about the beginning, middle, and end.  We also continued working on names of special places. We had library and computer.  For social studies we played a fun review game to help us practice for our test tomorrow.  We wrapped up our body unit for science.  We did a neat germ experiment.  Ask your child about the glitter experiment!  Math today was all about dimes and pennies.  We had to count using dimes and pennies and we also had to show certain amounts of money using only dimes and pennies.  Our day ended with our December writing!  We wrote about Christmas.  We are so happy to be back!  I can't wait to see your smiling faces tomorrow!  Happy Birthday Sophia!!  
Posted by Guest  On Jan 02, 2014 at 2:40 PM 2 Comments
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