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Had a good Thursday! Started off with working on unfinished work. Then we met for morning meeting and did calendar as well as a review math session. We reviewed estimation, rounding, and two digit addition. For center time we did a center on timelines/inventions. The boys and girls had to order a list of inventions by their dates, and glue to a piece of paper. Another center worked on -ed and -ing endings, as well as figuring out their base word (i.e-running=run, jogging=jog). A third worked on writing silly sentences using their robust words, and a forth was a simple addition exercise that tied in Martin Luther King JR. We went to lunch and music, then did our Daily 5 stamina building for 20 minutes before we headed to PE. After PE we took a break for snack (unfortunately it had to be a quiet snack since we were a bit noisy during centers), and then we did MAP testing over measurement. We wrapped up the day with some math and unfinished work, as well as RTI. Spelling words with letter tiles -ed and -ing endings--sorting Working on reading with meet-with-teacher
Posted by Guest  On Jan 16, 2014 at 2:09 PM 5 Comments
Today was a good- back to normal day!  This morning we had reading.  In reading today, we reread the story "Mark's Big Day", worked more with our high frequency words,  practiced writing holidays, and worked more on finishing up our sequencing stories!  Reading was very busy today but also very productive!  Everyone worked really hard. :)  In social studies today, we read a book about Martin Luther King, Jr. We talked a little bit about Martin Luther King Jr.'s dream.  Tomorrow we will be doing an activity with his "I have a dream..." speech.  Math was working with break aparts of 10 and break aparts of 100. We used a penny array and a break apart stick (popsicle stick) to help us see the equations!  Many of us noticed the pattern between a break apart of 10 and a break apart of 100 right away. (4 + 6 = 10 and 40 + 60 = 100)  We ended our day with an art lesson.  We learned about horizon lines and then created our own winter scene with a snowy horizon line. Everyone's turned out GREAT! Find a picture online showing a horizon line and see if your child can point it out!  Have a wonderful night. I can't wait to see you all tomorrow!
Posted by Guest  On Jan 15, 2014 at 4:33 PM 2 Comments
This morning we started off a little different.  We all sat together on the carpet and talked about what really did happen yesterday at school.  Instead of kids telling other kids, I wanted to have the discussion with all of them and get the facts straight so that the kids were not scared.  We talked about what a bomb threat means and that there was not a real bomb.  We discussed how Esko is a very safe school to be at and that it is EXTRA safe today (explaining the police in the halls).  We also talked about the consequences the person will have who did this.  It was a very good discussion and the kids did very well!  I am so proud of all of them and how well they listened yesterday.  It was definitely a frightening experience at first, but with reassurance of friends and teachers, everyone did great!  Next, we watched the movie from last night in math.  Since everyone had a crazy day yesterday, I figured that not many kids watched the movie.  Then we played a math game.  After that, we watched a GREAT moving on Martin Luther King but kids with blue eyes had to sit in the hallway.  This was hard for everyone!  I think the brown eyed kids were more upset that their friends were being left out.  In the afternoon, our third grade buddies helped us write our own I have a Dream speech.  Finally, we ended our day with art!  We painted a horizon line.  Below I have the link to the movie/song we played all day in class.  The kids love it!  I can't wait to see everyone tomorrow! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wQy1o6JVPIQ
Posted by Guest  On Jan 15, 2014 at 3:30 PM 1 Comment
Today was a good day in our 2nd grade classroom. We started off by meeting on the rug and talking about what happened yesterday. I explained to the students that we had to leave the building because we needed to make sure it was safe for us. We were never in any danger, but its always good to be safe. Yes, someone did write a violent message in a bathroom, and even though it was probably a joke, we take things seriously (i then related this to even the pictures we draw in our notebooks). They did a wonderful job with the evacuation and I was very proud of them. We then did our language arts centers, followed by recess, a math lesson on odd/even numbers as well as estimation, and then computer. We ended the day with snack and PE. Math Centers
Posted by Guest  On Jan 15, 2014 at 2:39 PM 5 Comments
Today was a great Monday back!  We started with math where we explored the 100s grid some more.  We found different patterns both horizontally and vertically.  Then we put numbers in order from least to greatest.  Some of us had to learn a new strategy to help put numbers in order.  Next, we read a story about Martin Luther King Jr.  Ask your child if he fought with his fists?  Then, we worked on our new sound of the week.... AR!  The pretest showed me that most of this class did not know that sound yet!  We took extra time working on it.  In the afternoon, the kids were gone most of the time.  They had specialists and MAP testing.  Please reinforce at home that taking your time on the test is good!  Some of the kids are rushing.  :/  I can't wait to see everyone tomorrow! 
Posted by Guest  On Jan 13, 2014 at 3:49 PM 1 Comment
Had a great, fast Monday! In language arts we finished day 4 of lesson 13. Tomorrow we will do our spelling test and weekly tests. Then we will finish the rest of the week with odds and ends before moving to 14 next week. We wrote back to our pen pals, telling them how our holiday breaks were. After lunch we did our handwriting journals before going to PE and then library. We enjoyed our snacks while finishing unfinished work. In math we talked about number lines and rounding to the nearest 10. Then we did math centers as well as RTI time. REMINDERS: Early out this Friday/No school Monday the 19th~
Posted by Guest  On Jan 13, 2014 at 2:58 PM 7 Comments
This morning we had a little bit of reading.  For reading we read "Ann's Trip to the Stars".  Ann was a girl who used her imagination to go to the stars.  We had to take a little break from reading and go to our second round of MAP testing.  When we got back we worked on our sound for the week. The sound we are working on is the "ar" sound. We had music and PE.  In PE we learned about wrestling. Some of us even got to wrestle a little bit if we volunteered.  In math today we worked more with the hundred grid.  We practiced adding tens to certain numbers.  Our day ended with us working on the beginning, middle, and end to the story we read during reading.  I'll see you back here on Tuesday!
Posted by Guest  On Jan 13, 2014 at 2:33 PM 2 Comments
Can you believe that we have already been here for 78 days of school already?!!  Time has flew by this year!  We've been having so much fun and working hard.  This morning we started right away with our spelling test.  The kids did great for it only being a 3 days week!  After that, we had math centers where we worked with the numbers in a 100s grid. After lunch, Ethan's mom was here!  She's so nice! At the end of the day we had art and Cmart.  What a great day!  I can't wait to see you all on Monday!
Posted by Guest  On Jan 10, 2014 at 3:42 PM 1 Comment
Had a good day today! We will finish up lesson 13 of language arts next week. Enjoy your weekends!
Posted by Guest  On Jan 10, 2014 at 3:21 PM 5 Comments
Today was a fun day!  We had reading this morning. In reading we did a picture puzzle with our high frequency words.  We reread the story "A Butterfly Grows".  Next, we had MAP testing.  It was good.  We went to PE and music.  In math we made a hundred grid.  We wrote every number from 1-100.  Whew!  Our hands sure got sore.  We finished our winter writing that goes with our Eskomos. They will be up in the hallway next week!  Come check them out!  Have a great weekend, see you on Monday!  Elijah we will miss you. We hope you have a great rest of your year and visit us soon! 
Posted by Guest  On Jan 10, 2014 at 2:53 PM 2 Comments
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