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Today was a busy Tuesday day for us. We started with a language arts lesson. We learned lots of new robust words, including lethargic, diversion, disturb, procrastinate, cozy, and bewildered. We practiced our spelling words on our white boards before getting into our Daily 5 centers. After centers we had some time to work on our research papers. We did a sloppy copy and are starting our final drafts. We had lunch, PE, and music. Then we did a math lesson on money. The boys and girls were given a 'newspaper food ad' and had to tell their partner what to shop for. They had to draw the correct amount of money needed for those items. We ended the day with RTI. Morning Calendar/Math Spelling word work
Posted by Guest  On Feb 04, 2014 at 2:15 PM 8 Comments
Welcome back Macy!  Today we had an awesome day!  This morning we had reading.  In reading we did a high frequency word puzzle.  We read the story "A Perfect Lunch" and we worked on ir, er, and ur.  After reading we had music.  In music, we listened to songs from Frozen and danced.  In gym today  we played some tag games.  For science we did a weathering experiment.  We put three sugar cubes into a container and shook them for two minutes.  One minute for each partner.  For math we worked with graphing.  Some things had more and some had fewer.  We had to figure out how many more and how many fewer of something there was.  Our day ended with some sentence writing.  Have a good night and see you all tomorrow!   
Posted by Guest  On Feb 03, 2014 at 2:22 PM 2 Comments
I was gone this morning, but I had a really nice sub report to come back to, saying that the students worked really hard! :) This afternoon we started writing our research papers. The boys and girls have been reading non fiction animal books. They are choosing an animal to write a report on. We had PE and library followed by snack break. Then we got into math. We reviewed last weeks lessons on two digit addition and the different methods for solving. Then we started talking about money. We ended the day with RTI!
Posted by Guest  On Feb 03, 2014 at 2:03 PM 5 Comments
Today was a great day!  We started with reviewing for our math test that is tomorrow!  We work side by side with our critical friend on the pretest.  Then Miss C. was able to see what to review in the movie tonight!  It worked really well!  Putting two brains together works better than one!  Briar and Nolan were one of the hardest working teams!  Then, we took part of our Mid-Year Benchmark.  This morning was the part where we READ the story and answer the questions.  We really had to take our time and re-read if we had to.  I was very impressed with how they all did.  Keep up the hard work.  This afternoon was more testing with vocabulary, that we acted out, and then endings to words.  For a break, we watched this COOL movie of an elephant painting a picture!  It was amazing to see how well she created the picture.  Then, we played a new ball tossing game.  It's fun to work as a team!  Finally, we ended with more exploration of hummus, sand, and clay.  We got PRETTY DIRTY at the end of the day!  I will be gone for a track conference tomorrow, but the kids are in great hands. Mrs. Pufall will be here.  Just a heads up, there is a movie tonight, just the review, and then there will be a movie this weekend!  Have a wonderful weekend and I can't wait to see you all on MONDAY!
Posted by Guest  On Jan 30, 2014 at 3:37 PM 1 Comment
Today was a busy and fun day!  During reading we continued working on our benchmark test.  We had to read two stories to ourselves today.  We had library.  In library we watched the movie Scamper the Penguin.  After recess we went to computer.  In computer we played a website game called Cookies.  In science today we learned about weathering and erosion.  We know that these two things change land.  Math today was working on a practice math test with a partner.  We all did an awesome job working with our partners!  The real test is tomorrow, so there is no homework tonight!!  I'm excited to see you back here on Friday! So is Scribbles :)
Posted by Guest  On Jan 30, 2014 at 2:49 PM 4 Comments
Today we spent our morning testing for the mid year benchmark language arts tests. These combine the last several lessons of language arts. They are doing great! After testing time we played "What's on my back?" Then we did a mini lesson on research papers. We talked about how non fiction books tell us facts. They got to explore 20+ varieties of non fiction animal and science books. They will continue reading them, then pick their favorite and write a research paper on their animal of choice. We had lunch and OUTDOOR recess :). Then we went to music followed by some handwriting in the classroom. We had PE and snack. We finished the day with a review lesson on adding two digit numbers. Have a great evening!
Posted by Guest  On Jan 30, 2014 at 2:45 PM 5 Comments
Today we started off with writing. Some of us had to finish up our personal narrative.  This was a story about us.  I can't wait to show you them at conferences.  In math we had short centers.  They were POP!, working with money, books, and counting on by 10s.  For example, if I start at 25, then it's 35,45,55,65,75,85,95.  After lunch, we had language arts.  Today we reviewed some of our sounds and then we took part of our middle of the year benchmarks.  At the end of the day, we explored rocks!  It was so cool.  You should have seen the mess from all of the fun!  Brock even made a spark from two of the rocks.  Briar made a diamond.  Isaac and John broke up a rock into tiny little pieces.  Joe worked on a rock the entire time and not one piece broke off.  Some of ours were really hard to break and some really easy.  We had a lot of sand in our room after we were done.  We had to wear glasses.  I  can't wait to see you all tomorrow!
Posted by Guest  On Jan 29, 2014 at 3:02 PM 1 Comment
We're finally back at school!  This morning for reading we did some review. We practiced our high frequency words with flashcards.  We practiced contractions.  We acted out in groups our vocabulary words.  This was fun!  We also practiced the main idea by listening to mini stories and picking out the main idea. Last, we colored Stevie the Melting Snowman and had to put him in melting order.  We started our middle of the year benchmark reading test.  We will do this a little bit each day until the end of the week.  In art today we made our own little monsters.  We read the story "Love Monster" and created our own unique monsters using only pencil and a black marker.  We had library and music.  After our specialists we had science.  In science today we did an experiment where we felt sand, clay, and humus.  We felt them when they were dry and when they were wet.  Our day ended with math.  In math we worked in small groups and figured out story problems that our classmates wrote. I am excited to see your beautiful faces tomorrow!
Posted by Guest  On Jan 29, 2014 at 2:53 PM 2 Comments
Welcome back after another long weekend! This morning we did a lot of our comprehension tests for the mid year benchmarks. The boys and girls did a great job focusing. We also took a Lesson 15 review spelling test. This lesson does not do a pre-test, but rather a test that combines words from all the lessons. We did Daily 5 centers, then did a little social studies. The boys and girls have been reading folktales and fables. They gave a short presentation on their favorite one, showing on a map where the folktale originated, and then telling us their favorite part. We had lunch followed by a review math lesson of show all totals, new groups above, and new groups below. We had computer and snack, then PE!
Posted by Guest  On Jan 29, 2014 at 2:25 PM 7 Comments
Today was a great day! In language arts we did our lesson 14 benchmark testing. Then we wrote a letter to our star student McKenna. After this we went to Mrs. Harden's room to listen to a presenter talk about health. This nurse told us about our bodies and how to keep our heart strong. We learned about what our plate should look like-1/4 protein, 1/4 whole grains, 1/4 vegetables, and 1/4 fruit. She showed us test tubes of fat for different foods. We learned that fish have about 1/8 of a test tube of trans fat in them, chicken 3/8's, and a cheese burger 3 full test tubes! We talked about how it is okay to eat any food, as long as in moderation. We came back and went to lunch and music. Then we did a math lesson on show all totals, when the totals are bigger then 100. We had a little bit of work time before we went to computer, followed by art. In art we made pencil monsters!! Have a wonderful weekend. Enjoy the 'warm' weather tonight! Working hard in class today :)
Posted by Guest  On Jan 24, 2014 at 2:36 PM 7 Comments
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