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We have been working really hard on the sound -oa-, -ow!  We are getting much better at spotting it in a word and being able to sound the word out better!  We have even noticed it more in words all around us.  We also practiced our high frequency words over and over again today!  You can never practice those too much!  In math, we worked on measuring things some more.   We practiced lining up the end of the ruler or the 'zero' with the end of whatever we are measuring.  Some of us wanted to start at the ONE!  After math, we watched different events from the Olympics.  One that was really interesting to the kids was the curling!  At the end of the day, we started a thank you letter to our kindergarten teacher!  I can't wait to see how they turn out!  I can't wait to see you all tomorrow!!
Posted by Guest  On Feb 19, 2014 at 3:41 PM 2 Comments
It was a nice day!  This morning for reading we did something extra special.  We got in a circle and read a story called "Snow Surprise".  The extra special part was that everyone got to read a little bit of the story into a microphone.  We worked more on building -oa and -ow words.  We also practiced more with troublesome homophones (missed or mist).  This afternoon we had math.  Math today was working more with measuring in inches.  In social studies we got to watch some videos about the Olympics.  We saw ice dancing, the skeleton, and the opening ceremony fireworks.  See your smiling faces on Thursday!  Nice job remembering to wear orange today! 
Posted by Guest  On Feb 19, 2014 at 2:34 PM 2 Comments
Today was a great day back!   We started out with our centers in math.  We had fun measuring different things and working with our alligators come more.  After math, we talked about the OLYMPICS!  Our team is Mexico, so we made flags to carry into the gym on Friday!  They look great!  Next, we took our pre-test in spelling.  You will see the Friday test from last week in their folder and their pre-test from today!  I was not here on Friday to correct those.  Sorry for any confusion.  After lunch, we worked on our new sound.... oa, ow!  We read a story with this new sound and created a bunch of words!  After lunch, we learned about our new high frequency words and also about homophones!  By, BUY, and BYE!!!  Finally, we ended talking about our thank you letters we are going to be writing to our kindergarten teachers.  :)  It was a fabulous day!  I can't wait to see everyone tomorrow!
Posted by Guest  On Feb 18, 2014 at 3:05 PM 1 Comment
Today we had a good day!  Many of us moved up on the behavior chart!  YAY!  In reading, we learned our sound for the week.  We are working on the long o sound spelled with -oa and -ow.  We read the story "Shadow in the Snow",  worked on troublesome homophones (sea or see), and practiced writing a thank you letter.  This afternoon we had music and PE.  Then, we had math.  We worked on measuring in inches.  We even made our very own ruler to take home!  Our day ended with learning about the Olympics.  Something very cool that we learned was that there are 19 athletes from Minnesota participating in the Olympics!  Did you know the Olympics only happen every four years?  This Friday we will be participating in our very own Olympics and our class is Team Canada!  Have a super night!  Don't forget to wear orange tomorrow for class color day.  Can't wait to see you back here tomorrow!
Posted by Guest  On Feb 18, 2014 at 2:33 PM 4 Comments
Today we had a good day!  Many of us moved up on the behavior chart!  YAY!  In reading, we learned our sound for the week.  We are working on the long o sound spelled with -oa and -ow.  We read the story "Shadow in the Snow",  worked on troublesome homophones (sea or see), and practiced writing a thank you letter.  This afternoon we had music and PE.  Then, we had math.  We worked on measuring in inches.  We even made our very own ruler to take home!  Our day ended with learning about the Olympics.  Something very cool that we learned was that there are 19 athletes from Minnesota participating in the Olympics!  Did you know the Olympics only happen every four years?  This Friday we will be participating in our very own Olympics and our class is Team Canada!  Have a super night!  Don't forget to wear orange tomorrow for class color day.  Can't wait to see you back here tomorrow!
Posted by Guest  On Feb 18, 2014 at 2:32 PM 2 Comments
Today we passed our valentines, did the 'heart' run in the hallways, shopped with our weekly earnings in the stores, had music and computer, opened our valentine's boxes, and had a BLAST! Bean bag toss Hair salon Store Have a fabulous long weekend with Monday off for President's day!
Posted by Guest  On Feb 14, 2014 at 1:31 PM 5 Comments
Posted by Guest  On Feb 13, 2014 at 7:26 PM 1 Comment
Busy day today! We did our lesson 17 spelling tests and weekly comprehension/vocabulary/sigh word testing before getting into all new centers. There, we wrote a descriptive paper about our favorite candy. We did a sight word game, and listened to "Pete the Cat" on the cd player. After centers we had lunch and music. Then we "Dropped Everything and Read." We had PE followed by snack and then a game of "I have, who has," math related. We took some time to build our stamina in read-to-self, before doing math center work on estimation and rounding. Conferences tonight, valentines parties and store shopping day tomorrow!
Posted by Guest  On Feb 13, 2014 at 3:26 PM 5 Comments
Today was a productive day!  This morning we had Daily 5.  During Daily 5, we listened to stories on CD, did read to self,  met and read a book with the teacher,  worked on writing a friendly letter at the writing center, and wrote silly sentences with our spelling words at the word work center.  After lunch, it was finally warm enough for us to go outside and play for recess!  Yay!  We had music and library this afternoon.  For math we worked more with more and fewer comparisons.  This can be tricky for some of us.  Try to encourage your child to ask himself/herself first if the question is asking for more or fewer. Then, if it's asking for more remember to ADD and if it's fewer remember to take away (SUBTRACT)!  We ended our day with decorating our Valentine boxes!  The kids had a blast doing this and the boxes turned out great! We have many creative minds in our class. :)  Have a wonderful night!  Thanks to all of the families who came to conferences last night.  I look forward to seeing the rest of you tomorrow night! 
Posted by Guest  On Feb 12, 2014 at 4:05 PM 2 Comments
Superhero day! I love to read month Good day today! We started off with our daily morning math. We did some practice review problems on our white board before moving into our language arts lesson. We continued to work with adjectives and pronouns. We did Daily 5 centers and headed to lunch. Then we did a math lesson on money and subtraction. We had computer, snack, and PE! Reminders: Yearbook $ No school Monday the 17th!! Next Wednesday the 19th is Class Color Day (purple) Wish list: 409/Clorox wipes.
Posted by Guest  On Feb 12, 2014 at 2:01 PM 4 Comments
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